Chapter 19 Stylus Studio GUI Reference

This section includes topics associated with Stylus Studio's context-sensitive help. To display context-sensitive help within Stylus Studio, press F1.


About Stylus Studio XML Enterprise Suite

About Stylus Studio XML Home Edition

About Stylus Studio XML Professional Suite

Add Column

Add Element or Composite Reference

Add References to Schema

Add Segment Reference

Add Table

Assign Shortcut

Associate Schema with Variable

Associate XML Schemas to Project Folder

Associate with XML Instance

Attach to JVM

Authentication Required


Backmap Stack


Build Project From SCC


C# Code Generation

Call Stack

Choose Module

Choose Provider

Choose Root Element

Choose Server

Choose Source and Destination Schema

Class Properties

Code Definition

Code List Definition

Composite Definition

Configure External XQuery Processor

Connection Settings

Convert HTML to XML

Convert HTML to XSLT

Custom XML Conversion Editor

Create Java Console

Create Java Servlet

Create Schema or DTD

Create User-Defined Catalog

Create XML Document from DTD

Create XML Document from XML Schema

Custom Document Wizard Arguments

Customize Toolbars


DataDirect XQuery Options

Default Value


Diagram Properties - Schema Details

Diagram Properties - WSDL Details

Diff Folders

Document Wizards

DTD Schema Editor Text Tab

DTD Schema Editor Tree Tab

DTD to XML Schema (Trang)


EDI Document Pane

EDI Structure Tree

EDI to XML Editor

Element Definition


File Explorer


Find (Mapper)


Generate C# .NET Code for XML Pipeline

Generate Java Code for XML Pipeline

Generate Transformation

Generate XML Schema from EDI Standards

Generate XQuery from EDI Standards

Generate XQuery/XML Schema

Go To (Custom XML Conversion)

Go To

Group Definition


Illegal Character Found

Import File

Imported Files

Imported Modules


Java Class Browser

Java Code Generation

Java Editor


Keyboard Accelerators


Lookup List


Message Definition



Named Template

Named/Matched Template

New Custom XML Conversion Definition

New EDI to XML Conversion

New Function



Open and Save As


Options - Application Settings

Options - General - Back-mapping

Options - General - Components - XML Converters for Java

Options - General - Components - XML Converters for .NET

Options - General - Components - DataDirect XQuery

Options - General - Custom Document Wizards

Options - General - Custom Tools

Options - General - Custom Validation Engines

Options - General - Editor Format

Options - General - Editor General

Options - General - Editor Sense:X

Options - General - File Types

Options - General - Java Virtual Machine

Options - General - Spell Checking

Options - Module Settings - EDI to XML - EDI Viewer Settings

Options - Module Settings - Java - Debugger

Options - Module Settings - WSDL Editor - WSDL Details

Options - Module Settings - XML Diff - Engine

Options - Module Settings - XML Diff - Presentation

Options - Module Settings - XML Editor - XML Settings

Options - Module Settings - XML Schema Editor - Schema Details

Options - Module Settings - XML Schema Editor - Documentation

Options - Module Settings - XML Schema Editor - XML Schema to XML

Options - Module Settings - XQuery - Mapper

Options - Module Settings - XQuery - XQuery Settings

Options - Module Settings - XSLT Editor - Mapper

Options - Module Settings - XSLT Editor - XSLT Settings

Output Window


Personal Dictionary Editor

Preview Window

Processor Mismatch

Processor Settings (XQuery)

Processor Settings (XSLT)

Project Window

Project Wizards

Properties for Custom XML Conversions

Properties for DTD Nodes

Properties for EDI to XML Conversions

Properties for XML Pipelines

Properties for XML Publisher

Properties for XML Schema and WSDL Documents

Proxy Settings


Redefine Schema Symbols

Referenced Schemas

Register and Activate Stylus Studio

Rename Column



Saxon XQuery Settings

Saxon XSLT Settings

Scenario Properties Bindings Tab (Web Services)

Scenario Properties for EDI to XML Conversions

Scenario Properties Execution Framework

Scenario Properties General Tab (XQuery)

Scenario Properties General Tab (XSLT)

Scenario Properties Parameter Values Tab (XQuery)

Scenario Properties Parameter Values Tab (XSLT)

Scenario Properties Post-process Tab (XQuery)

Scenario Properties Post-process Tab (XSLT)

Scenario Properties Processor Tab (XQuery)

Scenario Properties Processor Tab (XSLT)

Scenario Properties Profiling Options Tab (XQuery)

Scenario Properties Profiling Options Tab (XSLT)

Scenario Properties - Validation Tab (XQuery)

Scenario Properties - Validation Tab (XSLT)

Segment Definition

Select Multiple URLs

Select Source/Target Folder

Select XML Converter

Select XML Converter Properties

Set Classpath

Set Node and Match Pattern

Shortcut Keys

Source Code Control Properties


Stylus Studio

Stylus Studio Update


Text Catalog to XML Catalog

Toolbox Pane

TigerLogic XDMS Server Login

Type Derivation


UDDI Registry Browser




View Sample XML



Watch Video Demos of Stylus Studio Features

Web Service Call Composer

WSDL Editor


XML Diff Editor - Merged View

XML Diff Editor - Split View - Text

XML Diff Editor - Split View - Tree

XML Editor Grid Tab

XML Editor Schema Tab

XML Editor Text Tab

XML Editor Tree Tab

XML Pipeline Editor Canvas

XML Pipeline Settings

XML Publisher Canvas

XML Publisher Data Sources Panel

XML Publisher Namespaces Pane

XML Report Format

XML Schema Editor Diagram Tab

XML Schema Editor Documentation Tab

XML Schema Editor Tree Tab

XPath Editor

XPath Query Editor

XPath for xsl: Elements

XQuery Editor

XQuery Editor - XQuery Source Tab

XQuery Editor - Mapper Tab

XQuery Editor - Plan Tab


XSLT Editor - Mapper Tab

XSLT Editor - Params/Other Tab

XSLT Editor - XSLT Source Tab

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