Select XML Converter Properties

EDI to XML conversions use the DataDirect XML Converters engine to convert EDI to XML. The properties you specify in the Select XML Converter Properties dialog box are used by the DataDirect XML Converters engine to tune the conversion process and manage the XML output.

Changes you make to default property settings are displayed in the URI field, which shows the converter:EDI URI that is consumed by the DataDirect XML Converters engine.



The full name of the XML Converters property, followed by the name as it appears in the converter:EDI URI scheme.
See Chapter 4, XML Converters Properties, in the DataDirect XML Converters User's Guide and Reference for complete properties reference information for all DataDirect XML Converters. information. Documentation for DataDirect XML Converters is available:
l In the \doc folder for DataDirect XML Converters where you installed Stylus Studio - \components\XML Converters for .NET\doc, for example


The value for the XML Converters property.


The URI that is used by the DataDirect XML Converters engine when you preview an EDI to XML Conversion. This field is read-only; changes to it are made using the Value field in the Property table.
For More Information

XML Converter Properties

About the Converter URI

Specifying XML Converter Properties

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