Home >Online Product Documentation >Table of Contents >Set Classpath Set ClasspathYou use the Set Classpath dialog box to specify a classpath for various Stylus Studio modules. Examples include the classpath for:
l JDBC drivers for relational databases
l the Stylus Studio project
l Custom validation engines
Classpath entries added using the browse folders (
) button.
Adding a Classpath Entry
To add a classpath entry:
1. Click the browse folders (
) button above the Locations field.
A new entry field appears in the Location list box. Two buttons appear to the right of the entry field.
2. To search for JAR files, click the browse JAR files button (
Stylus Studio displays the Browse for JAR Files dialog box.
To search for folders, click the browser folders button (
Stylus Studio displays the Browse for Files dialog box.
3. Choose the JAR file or folder you want to add to the classpath and click OK.
The file or folder is added to the end of the list. Stylus Studio searches the classpaths in the order they appear in the Locations list box.
4. To change the order of a particular file or folder, select it and use the up and down arrows to change its order.
5. Click OK to set the classpath.
For More Information
Creating a Database Connection |