Home >Online Product Documentation >Table of Contents >Referenced Schemas Referenced SchemasYou use the Referenced Schemas dialog box to import or include external XML Schemas to the current XML Schema - including Schema elements in a WSDL document. You use this feature if you have an externally defined library of complex types that you want to use in your XML Schema, for example.
Schemas referenced by this document
The URL, type (import, include, redefine), and namespace of any XML Schemas referenced by the current XML Schema.
Displays the Add References to Schema dialog box, which allows you to define additional schema references for the current XML Schema.
Removes the reference to the external XML Schema from the current XML Schema.
Opens the external XML Schema in Stylus Studio.
For More Information
Referencing XML Schemas in the Diagram View Referencing External XML Schemas Defining an XML Schema Using the Diagram Tab - Getting Started |