Home >Online Product Documentation >Table of Contents >Scenario Properties Parameter Values Tab (XQuery) Scenario Properties Parameter Values Tab (XQuery)
You can display the Scenario Properties dialog box for an XQuery by clicking Browse A scenario allows you to preview the results of applying an XQuery. Scenario settings include the name of an XML source document, the values of any parameters in the XQuery, and the type of performance metrics you want Stylus Studio to capture, if any. A scenario can be associated with only one XQuery and only one XML source document. However, you can associate any number of scenarios with an XQuery, and you can associate any number of scenarios with an XML source document. Click the Parameter Values tab to view or modify information about the XQuery's parameters. You can modify existing parameters on this page of the Scenario Properties dialog box, but you cannot create new ones. New parameters can be created in the XQuery source only.
Variable Name
Lists the variables defined in the current XQuery.
The expression associated with the variable. You can enter a value in this field.
For More Information
Getting Started with XQuery in Stylus Studio |