Scenario Properties Profiling Options Tab (XQuery)

You can display the Scenario Properties dialog box from the XQuery editor XQuery Source tab or Mapper tab. Click Browse next to the down arrow in the scenario name field.

Click the Profiling Options tab to turn on the Profiler and to specify the type of information you want to capture in the Profiler's report.


Show Call Tree of Execution Times

Displays the Call Tree section of the Profiler report, which lists the call tree of XQuery instructions. Duplicate instructions within individual call tree paths are not repeated. The report's Call column identifies the number of times a given instruction is called within each call tree.

Show Execution Time by XQuery Instruction

Displays the Node Summary section of the Profiler report, which lists every instruction that is called by the XQuery code. Instructions are listed only once, regardless of the number of times they are called. The report's Call column identifies the number of times an instruction is called.

Show Log of Step-by-Step Execution

Displays the Event Log section of the Profiler report, which lists every instruction that is executed in every call tree, regardless of the number of times it is called. Displaying the report with this option selected can, therefore, take a long time. The XQuery processing time itself is not affected by this report option.

Limit Trace To

Displaying a Profiler report can often take much longer than the time required to evaluate the XQuery itself. You can use the Instructions and Levels field in the Limit Trace To group box to limit the number of instructions and/or the depth of the levels displayed.

Save Raw XML Profiling Data To:

Saves the raw performance data captured by the Profiler to an XML file. Use this option if you want to create your own reports.
For More Information

Profiling XQuery

Creating an XQuery Scenario

Getting Started with XQuery in Stylus Studio

Building an XQuery Using the Mapper

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