Custom XML Conversion Editor

You use the Custom XML Conversion Editor to define XML conversions you use to convert flat files (.txt, binary, and EDI, for example) to XML documents. You can use custom XML conversions to open flat files as XML documents anywhere in Stylus Studio.

The Custom XML Conversion Editor consists of a document pane that allows you to see how Stylus Studio has interpreted the file on which you are basing the XML conversion, and a schema pane to help you define the XML document that will be output when the file is converted. The Properties window allows you to review and edit properties that affect how the XML conversion creates XML output from the file you open it with.


Preview Result - Displays XML output based on current XML conversion settings.

Open File - Allows you to open a new file on which you wish to base an XML conversion.

Reload Input File - Allows you to reload the current file in the Custom XML Conversion Editor.

Toggle Informational Properties - Displays information about the physical characteristics (size, number of rows, and so on) of the file and the current region, row, and field.

Display Match Symbol - Displays symbols at the front of each row to indicate whether the row matches the pattern associated with the currently selected row, or with the match pattern defined for some other row.

Highlight Matching Rows - Highlights the rows that match the regular expression you enter in the Match Pattern property; this field acts as a filter - rows that match the pattern you enter are not output as XML.

Toggle Control Characters - Toggles the display of control characters in the document pane.

Toggle Ruler - Toggles the display of the ruler in the document pane.

Align Fields - In line-oriented regions, aligns fields in the document pane by removing spaces Stylus Studio adds for readability. Affects display only.

Toggle Horizontal Grid Lines - Toggles the display of horizontal grid lines in the document pane.

Toggle Vertical Grid Lines - Toggles the display of vertical grid lines in the document pane.

Convert to Fixed-Width Region - Converts a line-oriented region to a fixed-width region.

Convert to Line-Oriented Region - Converts a fixed-width region to a line-oriented region.

Begin Field In This Column - In a fixed-width region, allows you define the start of a new field.

Start New Region Here - Defines a new line-oriented, fixed-width, or no-output region starting at the cursor's present location (specified using either the current row or byte offset).

Join With Previous Region - Joins the current region with the previous region in the file.

Join With Next Region - Joins the current region with the next region in the file.

For More Information

Document Pane

Schema Pane

Properties Window

The Custom XML Conversion Definition Editor

Creating a Custom XML Conversion Definition

Converting Non-XML Files to XML

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