Home >Online Product Documentation >Table of Contents >New EDI to XML Conversion New EDI to XML ConversionYou use the New EDI to XML Conversion dialog box to create an EDI to XML Conversion in Stylus Studio. To get started, you can
l Use an existing EDI document and see how it differs from the EDI standard on which it is based
l Select an EDI standard and customize its definitions based on your organization's proprietary EDI format
It is usually easier to start with an EDI document to understand where and how it differs from the EDI standard on which it is based.
Select a sample EDI document
Use this field to specify the EDI document you want to use as the model for customizing the EDI standard.
Select the dialect and version you need to customize
Use this field specify the dialect and version of the EDI standard you want to modify.
The dialect of the EDI standard whose definitions you want to modify. This field is grayed out if you choose to create the EDI to XML conversion using an EDI document.
The version of the EDI dialect whose definitions you want to modify. This field is grayed out if you choose to create the EDI to XML conversion using an EDI document.
For More Information
Creating an EDI to XML Conversion Example: Converting a Conforming EDI File Example: Converting a Non-conforming EDI File |