Home >Online Product Documentation >Table of Contents >Illegal Character Found Illegal Character FoundStylus Studio displays the Illegal Character Found dialog box when it detects a character in the file you are opening that is illegal for the type of editor in which you are trying to open it. This can happen, for example, when you try to open an HTML file in the XML Editor.
Skip it
Stylus Studio skips the illegal character and opens the file.
Preserve it
Stylus Studio preserves the illegal character, rendering it in the editor using whatever means possible when the file is opened.
Escape it
Stylus Studio escapes the illegal character using Unicode when the file is opened.
Report the error
Stylus Studio displays an error concerning the illegal character like this:
Byte 0x92 found in file file://\\my_server\XqueryRoot\connection-pooling\index.html at offset 5547 is invalid for encoding utf-8
Stylus Studio does not open the file if you choose to report the error.
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