XML Editor Tree Tab

To display the XML editor, open an XML document, or select File > New > XML Document from the Stylus Studio menu bar. At the bottom of the XML editor window, click the Tree tab.

The Tree tab of the XML editor displays a collapsible and expandable DOM tree representation of your XML document. In this view, you can add any kind of node and specify values for nodes.

To expand a tree so that you can see all the nodes in the tree, click the root node and then press the asterisk (*) key in the numeric key pad. To expand any particular node, click that node and press * in the numeric key pad.

Buttons for Editing

The buttons along the top of the Tree tab allow you to edit the tree. Hover help is available to determine what each button does.

If hover help is not enabled, you can turn it on as follows:

1. Select Tools > Customize.
2. Click Show Tooltips and click OK.

The buttons are as follows:

Validate Document analyzes the document against the associated XML Schema or DTD. You can use the drop-down list to select the validation engine you want to use.

IE Preview displays the XML document in the Preview window using the Internet Explorer web browser.

Change Font allows you to choose the display font.

Open External Schema opens the schema, if there is one, for the XML document.

Delete Node deletes the selected node.

Change Name allows you to change the name of the selected node.

Move Up moves the selected node to be before its preceding sibling.

Move Down moves the selected node to be after its following sibling.

Toggle Display of White space toggles the display of white space in the tree.

Toggle Display of Entity References toggles the display of entity references in the DTD associated with the document, if any.

Show XPath Query Editor toggles the display of XPath Query Editor window.

Buttons for Adding Nodes

The buttons along the left side of the Tree tab allow you to add the various types of nodes. Move the cursor over each button to determine which type of node it adds.

To add a node, select a node that is already in the DOM tree, and then click the button for the type of node you want to add. Stylus Studio adds the new node relative to the node you selected.

New Element adds a new element node. Specify the name, and the value if you want.

New Attribute add a new attribute node. Specify the name, and the value if you want.

New Text adds a new text node. Enter the data you want the text node to contain.

New CDATA adds a new CDATA node. Enter the data you want the CDATA node to contain.

New Comment adds a new comment node. Enter the comment.

New Processing Instruction adds a new processing instruction. Specify a name for the processing instruction, and then specify the instruction.

New Entity Reference adds a new reference to an entity defined in the schema for this document.

For More Information

Updating DOM Tree Structures

Free Stylus Studio XML Training: