Home >Online Product Documentation >Table of Contents >XML Pipeline Editor Canvas XML Pipeline Editor CanvasYou use the XML Pipeline Editor canvas to build an XML pipeline and work with the resulting diagram of the XML pipeline. For example, you can use the canvas to
l Start the process of adding the nodes that make up your XML pipeline. You can do this by dragging an XQuery or XSLT document, for example, from the Project window and dropping it onto the canvas, or by dragging an icon representing the operation you want to add from the Toolbox pane and dropping it onto the canvas.
l Link one XML pipeline node to another.
l Modify the layout of the nodes representing XML pipeline operations.
l Annotate XML pipeline operations or the XML pipeline itself.
Properties for the nodes you add, and for their input ports and output ports, are specified in the Properties window.
For More Information
Working with the XML Pipeline Diagram Parts of the XML Pipeline Editor Steps for Building an XML Pipeline |