Scenario Properties Bindings Tab (Web Services)

You use the Binding tab of the Scenario Properties dialog box to specify the transport protocol and related properties you want to use when specifying a Web service call scenario. Values you specify in the scenario override WSDL values when the scenario is executed. The WSDL itself is not modified.



The network protocol to use when sending the Web service call to the WSDL URL. The default is HTTP.


You use the fields in the Properties table to specify values for parameters used by the Web service call. Stylus Studio uses these values when you run the Web service call scenario.
Table 198. Properties Settings
end point*
The destination of the Web service call -, for example.
The requested action to be performed by the Web service -, for example.
The username, if any, required by the endpoint.
The password, if any, associated with the user.
time out*
The connection timeout; the default is 30000 milliseconds.
Proxy server+
The server name or IP address. If you need to specify a port, separate the port number from the address with a colon -, for example.
Proxy user+
The user name associated with the proxy server.
Proxy password+
The password associated with the user.
Proxy bypass list+
The domain names for which you do not wish to use the proxy server settings (, for example). Separate multiple entries with semicolons.
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