Creating a Web Service Call Scenario

A Web service call scenario is a group of customizable settings associated with a Web service call composition. Stylus Studio uses these settings when you test a Web service using a scenario. If you don't define a scenario, or don't test the Web service call using a scenario, Stylus Studio uses the settings described in the WSDL. Examples of Web service call scenario settings include the client used to perform the Web service call; a username and password for Web services requiring authentication; and the length of time Stylus Studio will try to access the Web service before timing out.

You should consider creating a Web service call scenario only after you have defined the Web service call itself. This allows Stylus Studio to inherit values for the scenario from the WSDL you select for your Web service call.

You can create multiple scenarios that use the same Web service call, and define different settings for each. This flexibility can aid the Web service call development process as it enables you to easily test different Web service parameters before making the Web service call available in your XML applications. A scenario can be associated with only one Web service call.

This section covers the following topics:

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