Overview of Scenario Features

This section describes the main features of Web service call scenarios. It covers the following topics:

Scenario Names

You specify a name for a Web service call scenario on the Binding tab of the Scenario Properties dialog box.

When you create a Web service call scenario, specify a name that makes it easy to distinguish one scenario from another.

Transport Protocol and Client Settings

You specify the transport protocol you want to use when testing the Web service on the Binding tab of the Scenario Properties dialog box.

When you use HTTP as the transport protocol, the Web service call client can be any one of the following:

l Microsoft .NET
l Apache Axis

Other Transport Setttings

Once you specify the client, Stylus Studio displays a list of additional settings that you can use to define properties for the scenario. Some values, such as the time out, are system defaults. Others, such as the SOAP action, are taken directly from the WSDL specified in the Web Service Call Composer.

HTTP Settings

The following table describes the scenario settings associated with the HTTP transport protocol.

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