Scenario Properties Post-process Tab (XSLT)

By default, Stylus Studio displays the Scenario Properties dialog box when you create a new stylesheet using File > New > XSLT Stylesheet. You can display the Scenario Properties dialog box from the XSLT editor XSLT Source tab or Mapper tab. Click Browse next to the down arrow in the scenario name field.

Click the Post-process tab to instruct Stylus Studio to initiate a postprocess that operates on the result of applying a stylesheet.


Existing Scenarios

Lists the scenarios that are defined for the current stylesheet. To view the postprocess settings for a scenario, click the name of the scenario. Stylus Studio displays the postprocess settings in the Post-process tab.

Do Not Perform Any Post-processing

This is the default. Stylus Studio does not perform any postprocessing.

Post Process With Apache FOP

Stylus Studio initiates the Apache FOP.

Custom Post-process

Stylus Studio executes a postprocess you specify.
Command line
Command line for executing your postprocess. %1 is the input file, which is the result of applying the stylesheet. %2 is the file that the postprocess generates.
Generated File Extension
File extension you want the postprocessed file to have. For example, .pdf.
Additional Path
Any path information that needs to be defined for postprocess execution and that is not already defined in your PATH environment variable.
For More Information

Post-processing Result Documents

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