Saxon XQuery Settings

You use the Saxon XQuery Settings dialog box to define settings that will be used by the Saxon processor when executing XQuery in Stylus Studio. These settings are also reflected in generated Java code.

For more information on using the Saxon processor, refer to the Saxon documentation:


Command line equivalents for Saxon XQuery settings are shown in parentheses following the field name where applicable.

Execution mode

Whether you want the Saxon processor to run in basic or schema-aware modes.

Tree model

Support XML 1.1

Whether or not to allow XML 1.1 and XML Namespaces 1.1 constructs. This option must be set if source documents use XML 1.1, or if result documents are to be serialized as XML 1.1.

Recognize Saxon file extensions and query parameters (-p)

Whether or not you want the Saxon processor to recognize Saxon-specific file extensions and query parameters in URIs.

Validate source documents using DTD (-v)

Whether or not you want the source document and any documents referenced using the document() function to be validated against a DTD.

Whitespace stripping

Whether or not whitespace-only text nodes are stripped from the source document.
l Ignorable (-signorable) - All ignorable whitespace text nodes are stripped from the source documents before any processing, regardless of any xsl:strip-space declarations in the stylesheet, or any xml:space attributes in the source document. Whitespace text nodes are ignorable if they appear in elements defined in the DTD or XML Schema as having element-only content.
l All (-sall) - All whitespace text nodes are stripped from the source documents before any processing, regardless of any xsl:strip-space declarations in the stylesheet, or any xml:space attributes in the source document.
l None (-snone) - No whitespace is stripped before processing.

Schema-aware Settings

These settings are available only if you are using Saxon-SA to execute your XQuery.
l Source document validation - Whether or not an XML Schema is required to validate the source document. Strict (-val) requires an XML Schema, and the source document must validate against that XML Schema. Lax (-vlax) validates the source document if an XML Schema is provided, and the source document must validate against that XML Schema; but if no XML Schema is provided, the source document passes validation.
l Treat validation errors on result document as warnings (-vw) - Whether or not to treat validation errors in result documents as warnings only.
For More Information

Selecting an XQuery Processor

Setting Default Options for Processors

Creating an XQuery Scenario

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