Associate XML Schemas to Project Folder

You use the Associate XML Schemas to Project Folder dialog box to associate an XML Schema with a Stylus Studio project folder. This feature allows you to validate any XML document in the project against that XML Schema without explicitly associating the document with the XML Schema - if the XML document contains a namespace prefix found in the XML Schema associated with the project, Stylus Studio can validate it.


Schema files

The name of the XML Schema file associated with the current project.

Namespace URI

The namespace URI associated with the XML Schema.

Displays the Open dialog box, which lets you browse for an XML Schema.

Disassociates the selected XML Schema from the project.
Associating an XML Schema with a Project
To associate an XML Schema with a project:
1. Right-click the project folder you want to associate with an XML Schema.
2. Select Associate Schemas to Folder from the shortcut menu.
The Associate XML Schemas to Project Folder dialog box appears.
3. Click the browse button ( ).
The Open dialog box appears.
4. Browse for the XML Schema you want to associate with the project.
5. Click OK.
The XML Schema you selected appears in the Schema Files field; the namespace URI defined in that XML Schema appears in the field.
6. Click OK.
For More Information

Validating XML Documents

Associating an External Schema With a Document

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