Home >Online Product Documentation >Table of Contents >Java Code Generation Java Code GenerationYou use the Java Code Generation dialog box to specify the package and class names and other options for generating Java code from XQuery and XSLT.
Target directory
The directory to which you want to write the generated code. You can
n Use the default - the Windows Application Directory (C:\Documents and Settings\dfoster\My Documents\Stylus Studio\sources, for example). The \Stylus Studio folder is created when you install Stylus Studio; the \sources folder is created for the generated code.
n Type a directory path by hand.
n Use the browse button ( ![]() Package name
The name you want to use for the Java package generated from the XQuery or XSLT. Left blank by default.
Class name
The name you want to use for the Java class generated from the XQuery or XSLT. By default, this is the name of the XQuery or XSLT document for which you are generating Java code.
Add generated code to the current project
Whether or not you want to add the generated code to the current project. If you select this option (it is on by default), the package structure (com.mycompany.payroll, for example) is used to create a series of project folders at the current project's root (com\mycompany\payroll, for example). If you use the default package (none), the name.java file is added under the project's root.
Embed the XQuery source in the generated program
Whether or not you want to embed the XQuery source in the generated Java code. This option is available when using either the Saxon XQuery or DataDirect XQuery processors.
Note: This option appears only if you are generating XQuery code.
For More Information
Generating Java Code for XQuery |