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XercesXerces is an open source, high performance XML parser component developed by the Apache XML Project, widely used by the XML development community. Xerces implements a fully conforming XML Schema processor, and also provides a complete implementation of the Document Object Model Level 3 Core and is able to parse XML documents written according to the XML 1.1 Recommendation. Stylus Studio is the only XML IDE to provide seamless integration with the Apache Xerces processor. In this tutorial, we'll show you how to use the Xerces XML processor to parse and validate XML documents in Stylus Studio. Xerces-J SupportGetting started with Xerces-J is easy — just download Stylus Studio
and you'll get the latest version automatically bundled with the download. Once you've installed and launched
the program, no additional configuration is required, just create a new XML file (as illustrated in the following screenshot) or open an existing
XML document, then associate it with an XML Schema by selecting " ![]() Using Xerces 2.5.1 (Xerces2)To invoke the Xerces XML schema validator, just select the ![]() Xerces XML Schema ValiationStylus Stuido's integration with Xerces is far superior then other tools which merely provide the ability to invoke a batch file which kick off an external validation engine process — our integration is seamless, providing you with the ability to visually troubleshoot various Xerces XML schema validation errors. For example, error messages and warnings reported by Xerces are displayed in Stylus Studio's output window, along with a detailed description. When you click on a parsing error in the output window, Stylus Studio highlights the line of code in your XML file that caused the problem. ![]() Stylus Studio is the world's best XML tool for Xerces users, providing integrated tools for editing, parsing, validating and troubleshooting XML files using the Apache Xerces — download a free trial today. |
PURCHASE STYLUS STUDIO ONLINE TODAY!!Purchasing Stylus Studio from our online shop is Easy, Secure and Value Priced! Try Stylus Studio & Apache XercesDownload the popular Xerces-J XML parser and Stylus Studio today! Learn Stylus Studio in 6 MinutesCan six minutes change your life? A new action-packed online video demonstration covers how to use Stylus Studio in just six minutes! Watch this video and change the way you develop XML applications forever! Ask Someone You KnowDoes your company use Stylus Studio? Do your competitors? Engineers from over 100,000 leading companies use Stylus Studio, and now you can ask someone from your own organization about their experiences using Stylus Studio. CRN: Stylus Studio Follows The XML StandardsWhen it comes to standards compliance, not all XML IDEs are created equally. Stylus Studio is designed from the ground up to provide a seamless integration with all of the major XML Schema, XSLT, and XQuery processing components. Read why CRN Magazine's Mario Morejon says: "[Stylus Studio 2006 Release 2] is powerful and unlike its competitors, follows most XML development standards". |