XML Video Demonstrations - The complete list

Stylus Studio provides high-quality video demonstrations of its most powerful and time-saving features. This page contains the complete list of all our XML Video Demonstration titles, but check back often as new titles are being added all the time!

Stylus Studio Features

Got 5 minutes to spare? Take the Cook's tour of some of the best features that Stylus Studio has to offer!

EDI to XML Conversions

Stylus Studio's EDI to XML module lets you easily convert EDI documents to XML and create custom conversion definitions for non-standard and proprietary EDI documents. The EDI to XML module supports hundreds of EDI dialects and messages types, including ATIS, EDIFACT, HL7, and X12, as well as the SEF (Standard Exchange Format) standard for describing proprietary message types.

Joining Web Services and Relational Data

Just because your data isn't formatted as XML doesn't mean you can't use it! Stylus Studio’s XQuery Mapper and DataDirect XQuery make it easy to use data from disparate sources like relational databases and Web services.

XML Pipeline Editor

Stylus Studio's XML Pipeline Editor lets you model, build, debug, and generate code for XML pipeline applications, from small, single-operation applications to complex nested-pipelines.


Did you know you can automatically generate Java application code from XQuery and XSLT using Stylus Studio? And Stylus Studio provides DataDirect XML Converters™ to run your application in a fast, standards compliant way.

Convert to XML

Stylus Studio's Convert to XML module is a master of all trades, whether your source is CSV, binary, EDI/EDIFACT....

XML Publisher

No problemo. Stylus Studio's XML Publisher is the ultimate visual Stylesheet Designer. Using an intuitive editor and code generator, it simplifies stylesheet design by helping you create XSLT or XQuery to publish your data to HTML+CSS or XSL:FO reports.

XML Grid Editor

Stylus Studio's XML Grid Editor makes it easy to visualize, navigate, and edit XML documents with tabular (table-like) structures, including XML views of relational data.

XML Differencing

See just how easy it is to visually compare different XML files or folders using Stylus Studio's powerful XML Differencing Utility.

Relax NG

Integration with Relax NG is new in Stylus Studio X14 Release 2. Stylus Studio is the only Relax NG Editor to provide a synchronized split-pane interface that simultaneously shows both a visual Relax NG Diagram and the underlying code.


XML Query (XQuery) is the W3C language for querying XML documents. Stylus Studio's XQuery Mapper lets you compose an XQuery using intuitive drag-and-drop tools.

Profilers for XSLT and XQuery

Got an XSLT or XQuery dog that won't hunt? Stylus Studio can help!


Learn about the different ways you can work with catalogs in your Stylus Studio projects.

Web Services

Learn about the different ways you can integrate with Web Services in Stylus Studio.

Data Integration

Stylus Studio can make any data integration problem a breeze. Learn how Stylus Studio handles any problem by watching the data integration webinar today. Or check out the ZapThink podcast on Business-to-Business Data Integration in a SOA World Presentation. This podcast covers XQuery, new approaches for data integration in the context of SOA, current data integration challenges and much more. For more information about Data Integration, check out the DataDirect Data Integration Suite.


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Learn Stylus Studio in 6 Minutes

Can six minutes change your life? A new action-packed online video demonstration covers how to use Stylus Studio in just six minutes! Watch this video and change the way you develop XML applications forever!

Ask Someone You Know

Does your company use Stylus Studio? Do your competitors? Engineers from over 100,000 leading companies use Stylus Studio, and now you can ask someone from your own organization about their experiences using Stylus Studio.

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