Improving XSLT and XQuery Performance with Stylus Studio

This online video demonstration covers XQuery and XSLT performance tuning using the Stylus Studio XSLT profiler and the XQuery profiler.

Improving XSLT and XQuery Performance with Stylus Studio covers the following topics:

  • Setting Profiler options to record performance metrics based on Call tree execution times, Execution times by element, Step-by-step element execution
  • Displaying benchmark statistics in the XQuery Profiler Report or the XSLT Profiler Report, such as the time to complete a given operation, percent of total time for that operation, number of calls, average time per call, and so on
  • Backmapping from discrete performance data to the line of XSLT or XQuery that generated it
  • Using Profiler performance metrics to troubleshoot and fine-tune your XSLT and XQuery — just make a change, Preview the results, and display the report
  • Evaluating how different XSLT processors affect your XSLT's performance metrics (you can specify which of several XSLT processors, including Xalan-J, Saxon 6/7/8, and MSXML .Net, you want to use to process your XSLT)
  • Customizing the Profiler Report's look and feel using the default stylesheet, or one of your own; you can even save the raw data and use it as the source for your own performance metrics calculations!

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