ZapForum Podcast: Business-to-Business Data Integration in a SOA World Presentation

ZapThink, a leading IT advisory and analysis firm for XML, Web Services, and Service Orientation technologies, has released a new podcast on Business-to-Business Data Integration in a SOA World Presentation (MP3 21MB). This 1:01:17 podcast features ZapThink analysts Jason Bloomberg and Ron Schmelzer as well as expert guest Jerry King and Patrick Smith. Jerry King leads DataDirect's XML Products group and is responsible for bringing the company's innovative XML technologies to market, including the DataDirect XQuery™ implementation and the Stylus Studio™ XML development environment. Patrick Smith is the director of product management for XML products at Xenos. Patrick oversees the product management team that is responsible for product vision, definition, and market positioning and works extensively with the customers and sales teams to ensure a robust and extensible product offering.

Podcast Rundown

ZapThink analysts Jason Bloomberg and Ron Schmelzer set the stage by explaining the connection between data integration and SOA.

Next, Jerry King joins the discussion and explains how the demands of today's data integration problem are increasingly being met by XML standards for data aggregation and transformation. The latest entrant - XQuery - is designed to allow developers to aggregate XML with relational and legacy data sources, as well as Web services.

Then Patrick Smith takes his turn and discusses how B2B data integration has changed from the EDI days to today's XML-based Web Services world. He discusses how it's possible to aggregate and transform diverse data sources via a federated view of the data.

Ron, Jason, Patrick, and Jerry then have an open discussion of various issues surrounding data integration in the context of SOA, including a deep dive into data integration expenditures and buying behavior, as well as how companies can save money by taking Service-oriented approaches to data integration.

Click on iPod Below to Play: Business-to-Business Data Integration in a SOA World Presentation Podcast

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Business-to-Business Data Integration in a SOA World Presentation: Key Points

Listen to this Podcast and you will:

  • Learn about XQuery and current data integration challenges
  • Understand why SOA doesn't solve the semantic challenge
  • Learn about new approaches for data integration in the context of SOA
  • Dive into a deep discussion of the data integration "shell game"
  • Get a deep understanding of the hard work that's still necessary for successful data integration


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