Building DataDirect XML Converters™ Applications with Stylus Studio

DataDirect XML Converters™ are high-speed Java and .NET components that enable processors including Apache Xalan, Saxon, you to directly access any data source (flat files, EDI, legacy data, etc.) directly from within your Java or .NET applications, thus simplifying data integration challenges. This free online video demonstration shows how easy it is to use DataDirect XML Converters™ and Stylus Studio® X16 XML Enterprise Suite to create and deploy Java data integration applications in just minutes.

Deploying an XQuery-based EDI-to-XML Data Integration Application

Using DataDirect XML Converters™ Covers:

  • How to use Stylus Studio DataDirect XML Converters™ and the code generated by Stylus Studio's Java Code Generator to deploy your application
  • Using DataDirect XML Converters™'s to stream EDI data into XML for subsequent processing by an XQuery expression
  • Opening an EDI data file in Stylus Studio using a built-in EDI to XML converter
  • Loading the EDI data file in Stylus Studio's XQuery Mapper
  • Loading the desired target XML Schema for which we would like the converted EDI data to conform to
  • Inspecting and Editing the XQuery code generated by visually mapping the EDI source data to an XML data structure using Stylus Studio's XQuery Mapper
  • Testing and previewing the results of an XQuery-based EDI to XML mapping
  • Specifying XQuery processing settings including using the Saxon XQuery processor and using the built-in URI resolver to resolve Stylus Studio Adapter URL's.
  • Generating the Java code to run an XQuery expression; customizing the appearance of the generated Java code, compiling and running the Java application using the integrated Stylus Studio Java IDE
  • Browsing the Java application code which un-locks and uses the DataDirect XML Converters™
  • Setting the Java classpath and deploying the Java application code to a Linux environment
  • Running the XQuery application on the Linux deployment environment


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