Stylus Studio® X16 XML Editions |
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Enterprise |
OS Platforms |
64-bit |
XML Editing Tools |
Sense:X Intelligent XML Editing |
Intelligent (XML Schema/DTD aware) code sensing and auto-completion, including XML files using included or imported XML Schema. |
Support for Multi-Gigabyte Size XML Files |
Configurable XML syntax coloring
for elements and attributes |
Works with any XSLT processor or any XML Schema processor |
Works with any XQuery
processor |
XML Text View |
Syntax coloring, code
highlighting, intelligent auto-completion |
Line and column numbers |
Code folding to simplify document editing |
Auto-completion for
CDATA and XML comments |
Synchronized XML
Tree View |
Tree control for expanding
hierarchical XML documents |
Load large XML files
(+10MB) |
Create entity references,
processing instructions, comments, CDATA, toggle
whitespace, and more |
XML Grid View |
Export XML to Microsoft
Excel |
Sort XML columns in ascending/descending order |
XML row operations: insert
before/after, move up/down, delete |
Add nested XML table |
Rename XML element
/ attribute columns |
Use URIs to compare
namespaces |
XML Differencing |
Visually compute differences
between XML files in a Tree View |
Step through
XML differences in files (Next, Previous) |
Split screen and merged
modes for both Tree and Text view |
Expand All Changes
/ Collapse Identical XML Blocks |
Optionally resolve
or ignore XML entity references and XML namespaces |
Optionally compare
or ignore XML comments, XML element content,
whitespace, and text formatting (tab spacing,
CR, LF, for example), XML attributes, XML processing instructions |
Visually compare folders |
Optionally optimize
computation of XML differences for large XML
documents (+50k nodes) |
Support for multiple
XML input files for advanced XML differencing
operations |
Configure XML Differencing
colors and fonts |
Go-to XML file |
XML Formatter |
Canonicalize XML files |
XML-Well Formedness
Checker |
Integrated back-mapping
for error reporting |
Integrated XML
Validator |
Supports XML Schema/DTD
Based XML Validation |
Includes a built-in
XML Schema/DTD Validator |
Multiple error reporting
(step through errors) |
Back-mapping traces
error messages to source document code |
Open XML Validation
Architecture |
Integrated support
for third-party XML parsers and validators |
MSXML 3.0, 4.0, 6.0 SAX |
MSXML 3.0, 4.0, 6.0 4.0 DOM |
Microsoft .NET XML 1.0 and 2.0 Parser (System.XML) |
Java built-in XML parser |
Xerces-C++ 2.7 |
XSV 2.10-1 |
Saxon 8.9 (bundled with Stylus Studio) |
XML Generator |
Create XML instance
from DTD |
Create XML instance
from XML Schema |
Create XML instance from EDI — ATIS/EANCOM/EDIFACT/Edig@s/HIPAA/HL7/IATA/X12 |
General XML Editing
Support |
Comment/Uncomment selected
region |
Line numbering/go-to
Line |
Copy/Paste, Undo/Redo |
Find, Find Next, Replace
(supports regular expressions) |
Support for over 300
file-encoding formats (UTF-8, UTF-16, EUC-JP,
SHIFT-JIS, and so on) |
Print/Print Preview |
Line wrapping |
XML Code Folding |
XML-Aware Spell Checker |
Configurable personal dictionary |
Change, Ignore, Ignore All |
Replace, Replace All, Suggest Alternatives |
XML Aware Skip Element/Attribute names, etc. |
Supports different English language dialects |
Highlight spelling errors as you type in Text View |
Accessible from short-cut menu in Text View |
Fonts , Colors and Block Formats (h1, h2, ...) |
Bullet and Numbered Lists. |
Indentation and Text Justification. |
Tables Authoring. |
Inline CSS editing. |
Images. |
Bread crumbs bar which allows to select any element in the path to the root. |
Allow to change any HTML element's properties and see the result in real-time. |
Integrated Spell Checker. |
Turns any HTML document into well-formed XML |
XML Publishing Tools
Visually design HTML+CSS and XSL:FO output |
Generate Beautiful XML Reports using XSLT 1.0, XSLT 2.0, and XQuery 1.0 |
PDF Output Preview |
Support for any Data inputs including Relational, EDI, Web services and XML documents |
Backmapping from output preview to XML Publisher design screen |
Support for RenderX XEP |
Support for Apache FOP |
Rich Formatting: Tables, lists, text blocks, images, fonts |
Flow Control: Support for repeating elements, conditional statements, etc. |
Integrated XML Namespace Management |
Multi-Tab Properties Window |
Conditional formatting and dynamic properties bound to XPath |
Undo, Redo, Copy, Paste |
Integration with Stylus Studio XQuery Tools and XSLT Tools |
Integration with Stylus Studio XML Pipeline |
XML Pipeline Tools |
Visually Design XML Data Services (XML Applications) |
Customized Java Deployment Options (DataDirect XQuery, Saxon, XEP, Java built-in processors) |
Configurable Execution Framework: Specify different XML/XSLT/XML Schema/XSL:FO and XQuery Processors |
XML Pipeline Debugging (Variables, Breakpoints, View Output, Set watches, etc.) |
Integrated Cross-Language Debugging — Step into XSLT Debugger or XQuery Debugger |
Zoom in/Zoom out, Undo / Redo, Copy — Paste |
Snap to Grid, Save to Image |
Support for any XML Operation (converting, validating, tranforming, querying, publishing, etc.) |
Advanced flow control: Conditional Pipeline execution based on outcome of validation, XPath, etc. |
Develop and Deploy ETL, EII, and EAI applications. |
Generate Java or C# Program Code to Execute XML Pipeline. |
Schema Tools |
XML Schema Editor |
Visual XML Schema
Editor with inline editing |
Round-trip XML Schema
design (synchronized 2-way editing) |
Refactoring of XML
content models to global complex type definitions |
Generate sample XML
fragments from XML Schema components |
Generate XML instance
document from XML Schema |
Simplify XML Schema
view (collapse implicit schema components) |
Fully configurable
XML Schema display (display facets, restrictions,
attributes, and so on) |
XML Schema Simple Type
Editor |
Export XML Schema Component
graphic to .jpg or .emf file |
Support for Import
/ Include XML Schema |
Find all constructs that reference global elements, simple global types, complex global types. |
Show/Hide XML Schema
annotations |
XML Schema Generator |
Generate XML Schema
from DTD |
Generate XML Schema from XML instance document |
EDI to XML Schema conversion for ATIS/EANCOM/EDIFACT/Edig@s/HIPAA/HL7/IATA/X12 |
XML Schema Documentation Generator |
Regular XML Schema Documentation layout (X3P Stylesheet) |
XML Schema-based
Output Validation |
Validate results of
XSLT transformations |
Validate results of
XQuery transformations |
Configurable XML output
validation settings via Scenario Properties |
Relax NG Editor |
Visual Schema Editor with inline editing |
Round-trip XML Schema design (synchronized 2-way editing) |
Support Drag & Drop and Copy & Paste for schema refactoring |
Support for navigating Include and external reference |
Support for XML Schema built-in simple types |
Support for facets (Relax NG parameters) |
Integrated Schema validation |
Support for external Relax NG processors |
Export Schema Component graphic to .jpg or .emf file |
DTD Editor |
Visual DTD Editor |
Convert DTD to XML
Schema |
Fully integrated support
for DTD-based XML editing and validation |
Full OASIS Catalog
Support Allows Off-Line Development |
Supports catalog nesting
through delegation |
Sense:X integration
(list available Public IDs) |
Understands both Text-Mode
and XML-Mode catalogs |
Support for FIXML, DocBook, HIPAA, and many other Industry Standard XML Vocabularies |
87 pre-built industry
standard catalogs |
More than 600 DTDs
and 2500 XML Schemas |
Integrated with the
Project View File System |
XQuery Development Tools |
XQuery Editor |
Support for January 2007 XQuery 1.0 Recommendation |
Syntax help for XQuery language constructs |
Code sensing and XQuery auto-completion |
XQuery Code Folding |
XQuery Mapper |
True visual XQuery mapping |
Synchronized XQuery
source code and visual mapping Views (2-way editing) |
Optional, synchronized
and fully editable split-screen interface displays
both visual XQuery mapping model and XQuery source
code |
Use a live Web Service call as a data source for an XQuery mapping project. |
Support for "FLWOR" expressions
(For, Let, Where, Order by, Return) |
Support for joins of
multiple sources |
Support for conditional statements |
Support for user-defined
Java extension functions |
Support for global variables |
XML Schema-Aware XQuery Processing |
Support for Saxon 8.9 (bundled with Stylus Studio) |
Universal XQuery Mapping |
Support for January 2007 XQuery 1.0 Recommendation |
Use a Variety of different data sources as inputs for an XQuery mapping |
XML instance document |
XML Schema or DTD |
Generate XQuery from EDI — ATIS/EANCOM/EDIFACT/Edig@s/HIPAA/HL7/IATA/X12 |
SQL Server, Oracle,
IBM DB2, Sybase, MySQL, MySQL Community Edition, IBM Informix, PostgreSQL |
Any flat file (CSV, dBase, binary, and so on) |
Live XML Web service |
One Click Intelligent AutoLink |
Find automatically a match on the target schema |
Create link operation based on the element cardinality. |
Autolink a single element or an entire sub tree. |
Can be interrupted when working on very large schema. |
XQuery Debugger |
Support for January 2007 XQuery 1.0 Recommendation |
Set/toggle breakpoints |
Step In/Out/Over |
Variables window (show
all variables and values relative to current
context) |
Watch window (XPath
expressions or variable names) |
Support for debugging
XQuery extension functions |
Seamlessly step from
XQuery code into a Java method and back |
Step through user-defined
Java method in built-in Java Editor |
Set breakpoints in
Java and/or XQuery code |
True cross-language debugging
(Java, XQuery) |
Output Window |
View incremental output tree
(as it is being built) |
Toggle between Text, Tree,
and Browser views (at any time) |
Refresh XQuery output |
Save XQuery results to file |
for Third-Party XQuery Processors |
Saxon 8.9 (bundled with Stylus Studio) (Schema Aware) XQuery Processor |
DataDirect XQuery |
XQuery Output |
Validate XQuery output against
XML Schema |
Configurable using XQuery scenario
properties |
Profiler |
Generate performance profile
of XQuery code |
Save performance analysis as
XQuery performance profiler
Back-mapping |
Click on a line in the Profiler report to highlight source in input document |
URI Resolver |
Access to Advanced File Systems |
Access to Relational Databases |
Access to EDI Data Sources |
XML Deployment Testing Capabilities |
Automated Program Code Generation for XQuery |
Generate C# Code to run XQuery application |
Generate Java Code to run XQuery application |
Query Plan |
Visually Display XQuery execution plan |
Optimize the XQuery Application |
Development Tools |
1.0/2.0 Editor |
XML Schema-Aware XSLT 2.0 Processing Support |
Full support for XSLT 1.0,
XSLT 2.0, and XPath 2.0 |
Single-click XSLT
transformation |
Back-mapping of XSLT output
to XML input source |
Integrated XSLT processor |
Open XSLT architecture |
XSLT template
refactoring |
XSLT template Stack window |
XSLT editing views modularized by template |
XML content model window (displays
visual model of input document) |
XSLT Parameter editing tab |
Full Editing Support for Third-Party XSLT processors |
Java built-in processor |
Microsoft .NET 1.0 and 2.0 XSLT Processor
(System.XML 1.0 and 2.0) |
MSXML 3.0 |
MSXML 4.0 |
MSXML 6.0 |
Saxon 8.9 (bundled with Stylus Studio) |
Integrated XSLT Debugging Support for Third-Party XSLT processors |
Microsoft .NET 1.0 XSLT Processor
(System.XML 1.0) |
Saxon 8.9 (bundled with Stylus Studio) |
for XSLT: Intelligent XSLT Editing |
Syntax help and auto-completion
of XSLT 1.0, XSLT 2.0, XSL:FO and HTML tag sets |
XSLT Code Folding |
Intelligent auto-completion
of XPath expressions and functions & function
prototypes |
Scenario Properties |
Specify XSLT input
source/output file |
Support for joins of multiple
sources |
Support for Java code generation using Saxon 8.9 and the Java built-in processor |
Resolver |
Deploy Stylus Studio data sources to server |
Resolve Stylus Studio URI to work with Saxon or Java built-in processor |
Output Validation |
Validate XSLT transformation
output against XML Schema |
Configurable using
XSLT scenario properties |
1.0/2.0 Debugger |
True XSLT debugging |
Set/Toggle XSLT breakpoints |
Single step-through
XSLT (Step In/Step Out/Step Over) |
XSLT Variables window
(Display all Variables and Associated Values
Relative to Current Context) |
XSLT Watch window (XPath
Expressions or Variable Names) |
XSLT Template Stack
Window |
for Debugging XSLT Extension Function (Saxon) |
Seamlessly step from
an XSLT template into a Java method and return |
Step through Java code
in integrated Java Editor |
Set breakpoints in
Java code |
True cross-language
debugging (Java, XSLT, VBScript/JScript) |
Integrated Watch, Variables,
and Call Stack windows |
Output Window |
Incrementally view
XSLT output tree as it is being constructed |
Toggle XSLT output
between Text, Tree, and Browser views |
Refresh XSLT output |
Save XSLT output to
file |
Scenario Properties |
Specify input/output
files |
Specify XSLT parameters,
XSLT processor, XSLT profiling, and XSLT validation,
and other XSLT settings |
Save XSLT scenarios
as required |
XSLT Mapping |
Round-trip editing of
XSLT source code and visual mapping views (synchronized
2-way editing) |
Synchronized XQuery source
code and visual mapping views (2-way editing) |
Support for conditional XSLT
processing: xsl:for-each, xsl:if, xsl:choose |
Support for both named templates
(xsl:call-template) and matched templates |
Support for visual editing
of external user-defined Java functions |
Support for XPath functions |
Support for XSLT mapping involving
multiple data sources |
Modularized per-template XSLT
editing views |
Preserve XSLT mapping project
layout |
Create/Change target XML Schema
on the fly |
Support for External Parameters |
Universal XSLT Mapping |
Use a variety of different data sources as inputs for an XSLT mapping |
XML instance document |
XML Schema or DTD |
Live XML Web service |
Preserve XSLT mapping project
layout |
Create/Change target XML Schema on the fly |
One Click Intelligent AutoLink |
Find automatically a match on the target schema |
Create link operation based on the element cardinality. |
Autolink a single element or an entire sub tree. |
Can be interrupted when working on very large schema. |
1.0/2.0 Profiler |
Generate performance
profile of XSLT transformation |
Save performance analysis
as HTML |
XSLT performance Profiler
back-mapping for troubleshooting |
Automated Program Code Generation for XSLT |
Generate C# Code to run XSLT application |
Generate Java Code to run XSLT application |
Development Tools |
1.0/2.0 Evaluator |
Evaluate and test any XPath 2.0 expression |
resulting XPath node-set |
Back-mapping of XPath
results to input document |
Save XPath results |
for XPath 2.0 |
XPath code Sensing and auto-completion |
coloring and code completion of standard XPath
functions |
XPath expression generator |
Create XPath expressions
from Grid View and Tree View (Grid view not available in Home Ed.) |
Mapping Tools |
Visual XML-to-XML Mapping |
Round-trip engineering:
synchronized visual and code views (2-way editing) |
Optional, split-screen
interface for visual XML mapping and source code
in XSLT |
split-screen interface for visual XML mapping
and source code in XQuery |
Generate XML mapping code
in either XSLT or XQuery |
Intuitive visual, drag-and-drop
XML mapping interface |
XML mapping project layout |
Create/Change target
XML Schema on the fly |
Aggregation (N-to-1)
XML mappings (from multiple supported inputs
to an output) |
Support for data sources bound to variables
to an output) |
Data Mapping Input Architecture |
Map from any data input
format to XML |
XML instance document |
XML Schema
or DTD |
SQL Server, Oracle,
IBM DB2, Sybase, MySQL, MySQL Community Edition, IBM Informix, PostgreSQL |
Any flat
file (CSV, dBase, Binary, and so on) |
Live XML Web service |
for Programmatic XML Data Manipulation |
Support for Java XSLT
extension functions |
Embedded scripting
support (JScript/VBScript) |
Legacy Data Integration, Data Conversion Tools & EDI Tools |
Convert any Data Format into XML |
Any flat
file (CSV, TSV, dBase, Binary, email, .ini, HTML,
RTF, and others) |
Built-in support for
over 100 popular file formats |
Express custom EDI messages in Standard Exchange Format (SEF) |
Custom XML Converters |
Visual SEF (Standard Exchange Format) Editor |
Specify regular expressions
to match patterns in data |
Define regions within
a file |
for line-oriented and/or column-oriented data |
Specify character separators,
and over 100 other criteria |
Migrate EDI data to
data schemas to XML Schema |
Generate XQuery from EDI — ATIS/EANCOM/EDIFACT/Edig@s/HIPAA/HL7/IATA/X12 |
to XML Wizard |
Auto-detect file encoding |
Infer data file layout |
Visual editing of XML
converter |
Integrated XML conversion
Preview Window with Backmapping |
Data Wizards |
Convert CSV to XML |
Convert Microsoft Access,
SQL Server, IBM DB2, MySQL, MySQL Community Edition, IBM Informix, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Sybase to XML |
Generate valid XML
instance from XML Schema |
Fixed-width file to
and XML Development Tools |
Code Generator |
Generate Java code
to deploy XSLT or XQuery to server runtime |
code reflects transformation's scenario properties |
Fully configurable
code generation (processor, public/private/main
methods, and so on) |
Support for XML Pipelining run
XSLT, followed by XSL:FO in series |
code uses standard JAXP XML processing code |
Access any data source
from Java code (ATIS/EANCOM/EDIFACT/Edig@s/HIPAA/HL7/IATA/X12, SQL Server,
Oracle, MySQL, MySQL Community Edition, IBM Informix, PostgreSQL, IBM DB2, flat files, Web services, and more) |
Generated code works
with Saxon processor |
Supports post-processing
options including XML Schema validation |
Editor |
JSP code syntax coloring |
JSP code completion |
JSP 1.0/2.0
validation |
JSP browser preview |
to XML Binding Generator |
Add Java files to project |
Editor |
Real-time Java syntax
checking |
Java code syntax coloring |
Compile Java code /
report warnings and errors |
Sense:X for Java (code
sensing and auto-completion) |
Support for Java debugging
(implements JDWP) |
Services Development Tools |
Service Call Composer |
Browse UDDI Registry |
Web Service Call |
Results |
Save Web Service as
data service for data mapping projects |
Integration with Java
code generator |
WSDL Editor |
Visually Design WSDL Interfaces |
Open WSDL file, Create WSDL file |
Import WSDL Documents |
Print WSDL file, Save WSDL Diagram |
Editing Support |
Explorer |
Browse universal data
Sources |
any data source |
Supports drag-and-drop
operations |
file operations |
Invoke XML Deployment Adaptors |
Application/User Interface |
Windows XP look-and-feel |
Comprehensive customization
menu |
New Windows
XP-like product icons |
Live Update |
View line / column
/ character encoding |
Preview Window |
Backmapping of Preview
results to Source pane |
Multiple views (Text,
Tree, Internet Explorer) |
Save results
to file |
Preview XSLT transformations |
Preview XQuery results |
Web Service Calls |
EDI/EDIFACT/X12/HL7/IATA/EANCOM data conversions |
flat file to XML conversions |
line utilities/standalone components |
Stylus Studio XSLT
Processor |
Stylus Studio XQuery
Processor |
Studio XML Schema/DTD Validator |
License Manager |
Concurrent License
Metering |
Invoke XML Deployment Adaptors |
Project Window |
Manage XML project folders |
Access WebDAV, FTP data source |
Access Web Service data source |
Custom File Systems |
Source control integration |
Check In/Check Out |
Get Latest
Version/Undo Checkout |
Add/Remove from source
control |
Integration with Microsoft
VSS, Clearcase, CVS |
Auto-back up – Automatically
saves copy of last-saved document |
SQL Editor |
SQL Editor features |
Syntax Coloring |
Scalable Preview Result |
Preview Result Export to File |
Built-in support for all major database vendors |
SQL execution can stopped |
Execute text selected |