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General Editing Utilities
Stylus Studio® X16 XML has a broad array of editing features that further simplify day-to-day XML editing tasks.
Robust Editing Capabilities
Stylus Studio® X16 XML includes a robust editor:
- Comment/Uncomment selected region,
- Line Numbering,
- Go-to Line,
- Copy/Paste,
- Unlimited Undo/Re-do,
- Find/Find Next/Replace (supports regular expression matching),
- Print/Print-Preview,
- Collapsable Regions,
- Syntax Coloring,
- Context- and Language-Specific Sense:X Code Completion
- Ability to Load Large XML Files,
- and much more!
In short, Stylus Studio® offers everything
that you would expect from a world-class XML editor!

Unicode and Other File Encoding Support
Stylus Studio® X16 XML supports over 300 different file encodings, including UTF-8,
UTF-16, EUC-JP, SHIFT-JIS, and so on, allowing you to work with any XML document.

Stylus Studio® X16 XML provides everything you would expect
from a leading XML editor, and then some!
Supported File Encodings in Stylus Studio
Stylus Studio supports the following file encodings:
- ASCII: ANSI_X3.4-1968, ANSI_X3.4-1986, ASCII, ISO646-US, US-ASCII, ascii7, iso-ir-6, us, Windows-20127
- Double Byte Character Set: GB2312.1980-0, chinese, gb2312-1980, iso-ir-58
- HZ: HZ, HZ-GB-2312
- ISO 2022: ISO-2022-CN, ISO-2022-CN-EXT, ISO-2022-JP, ISO-2022-JP-1, ISO-2022-JB-2, ISO-2022-KR, JIS, JIS7, JIS8, JIS_Encoding
- LBMCS-1: LMBCS-1, lmbcs
- LBMCS-2: LMBCS-2, lmbcs
- LBMCS-3: LMBCS-3, lmbcs
- LBMCS-4: LMBCS-4, lmbcs
- LBMCS-5: LMBCS-5, lmbcs
- LBMCS-6: LMBCS-6, lmbcs
- LBMCS-8: LMBCS-8, lmbcs
- LBMCS-11: LMBCS-11, lmbcs
- LBMCS-16: LMBCS-16, lmbcs
- LBMCS-17: LMBCS-17, lmbcs
- LBMCS-18: LMBCS-18, lmbcs
- LBMCS-19: LMBCS-19, lmbcs
- Latin-1: ISO-8859-1, iso-ir-100, l1, latin1
- Multi Byte Character Set: Big5, Big5-HKSCS, EUC-CN, EUC-JP, EUC-KR, EUC-TW, Extended_Unix_Code_Packed_for_Japanese, GB2312,
GBK, HKSCS-BIG5, KSC_5601, KS_C_5601-1987, KS_C_5601-1989, MS936, MS_Kanji, Shift_JIS, X-EUC-JP, big5hk, cns11643, eucjis, gb18030,
hp15CN, iso-ir-149, korean, ksc, macos-2566-10.2, ms932, ms949, pck, shift_jis78, sjis, sjis78, windows-31j, windows-51932,
windows-51949, windows-54936, windows-932, windows-936, windows-936, windows-936-2000, windows-949, windows-949-2000, windows-950,
windows-950-2000, x-big5, x-ms-cp932, x-sjis
- Other: BOCU-1, CESU-8, IMAP-mailbox-name, iscii-bng, iscii-dev, iscii-guj, iscii-knd, iscii-mlm, iscii-ori, iscii-tlg,
iscii-tlm, windows-57002, windows-57003, windows-57004. windows-57005, windows-57006, windows-57007, windows-57008,
windows-57009, windows-57010, windows-57011, x-iscii-as, x-iscii-be, x-iscii-de, x-iscii-gu, x-iscii-ka, x-iscii-ma,
x-iscii-or, x-iscii-pa, x-iscii-ta, x-iscii-te
- Single Byte Character Set: ASMO-708, Adobe-Latin-1-Encoding, Adobe-Standard-Encoding, CCSID00858, CCSID01140, CCSID01141,
CCSID01142, CCSID01143, CCSID01144, CCSID01145, CCSID01146, CCSID01147, CCSID01148, CCSID01149, DOS-862, EBCDIC-CP-DK,
EBCDIC-CP-NO, EBCDIC-JP-kana, EMCA-114, EMCA-118, EMCA-128, ELOT_928, ISO-8859-6-E, ISO-8859-6-I, ISO-8859-8-E ISO-8859-8-i,
JIS_X0201, K0I8-R, Latin-9, MS874, TIS-620, X0201, arabic, cyrillic, ebcdic-ar, ebcdic-ar-1, ebcdic-cp-ar1,
ebcdic-cp-ar2, ebcdic-cp-be, ebcdic-cp-ca, ebcdic-cp-ch, ebcdic-cp-es, ebcdic-cp-fi, ebcdic-cp-fr, ebcdic-cp-gb,
ebcdic-cp-he, ebcdic-cp-is, ebcdic-cp-it, ebcdic-cp-nl, ebcdic-cp-roece, ebcdic-cp-se, ebcdic-gb, ebcdic-he, ebcdic-is, ebcdic-sv,
ebcdic-xml-us, eucTH, greek, greek8, hebrew, hp-roman8, iso-8859-13, iso-8859-15, iso-8859-2, iso-8859-3, iso-8859-4,
iso-8859-5, iso-8859-6, iso-8859-7, iso-8859-8, iso-8859-9, iso-ir-101, iso-ir-109, iso-ir-110, iso-ir-126,
iso-ir-127, iso-ir-138, iso-ir-144, iso-ir-148, iso8859_15_fdis, koi8, l2, l3, l4, l5, l9, latin0, latin2, latin3,
latin4, latin5, mac, macce, maccy, macgr, macintosy, macos-0_2-10.2, macos-29-10.2, macos-35-10.2, macos-6-10.2, macos-7_3-10.2, mactr, r8, roman8, tis620.2533
- UTF16: ISO-10646-UCS-2, UTF-16, UTF-16BE, UTF-16LE, UTF16_BigEndian, UTF16_LittleEndian, UTF16_OppositeEndian, UTF16_PlatformEndian, usc-2, unicode, windows-1200, windows-1201, x-utf-16be, x-utf-16le
- UTF32: ISO-10646-UCS-4, UTF-32, UTF-32BE, UTF-32LE, UTF32_BigEndian, UTF32_LittleEndian, UTF32_OppositeEndian, UTF32_PlatformEndian, ucs-4
- UTF7: UTF-7, Windows-65000
- UTF8: UTF-8, Windows-65001
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