Stylus Scoop - November '05 — Stylus Studio 2006 Product Line Now Available

Dear Stylus Studio Friend,

Stylus Studio 2006 XML Enterprise Edition is now available for a free trial download. With new and updated support for XSLT 2.0, XQuery 1.0, XML Schema Aware XSLT and XQuery processing, XML code-folding, tons of X12 utilities, and more, we're confident we'll earn your business. Also new this year are Stylus Studio 2006 XML Converters -- use these high-performance Java components to extend Saxon or Xalan to support streaming data access (read/write) to relational databases, flat files, EDIFACT or X12, or any other file format directly from within your XSLT and XQuery applications. And the best part? Using the built-in Java Code Generator, you can deploy your application with the click of a button.

Also in this month's issue: a brand-new XQuery tutorial on the FLWOR (For, Let, Where, Order by, and Return) expression, written by W3C luminary, Dr. Michael Kay, one of the key figures behind the recent XSLT 2.0 and XQuery 1.0 candidate recommendations that were released last week. For your viewing pleasure, we're pleased to introduce brand-new online video demonstrations covering how to visually create XSLT stylesheets using the Stylus Studio XSLT designer. And free XQuery gear, too! All this and more from the number-one XML development newsletter, the best source for XML news and education, the Stylus Scoop!


Ivan Pedruzzi, Senior Product Architect, and the Stylus Studio Team

Table of Contents - September 2005

Stylus Studio 2006 XML Enterprise Edition Released

Stylus Studio 2006 XML Enterprise Edition is now available for Free Trial Download. Here are some of the highlights of this exciting new release:

  • EDI Tools: Powerful new EDI Tools for converting thousands of X12/EDIFACT message formats to XML and validate converted documents using a new X12/EDIFACT to XML Schema Generation Wizard. Access X12 data as bi-directional XML data sources using Stylus Studio 2006 XML Adapter Modules.
  • XML Schema-Aware XSLT 2.0 Processing: Write more robust XSLT 2.0 stylesheets and eliminate common programming mistakes, simplifying XSLT debugging and improving XSLT performance.
  • XML Schema-Aware XQuery 1.0 Processing: Simplify troubleshooting and XQuery debugging, and enhance XQuery code performance.
  • Updated XQuery Support: Stylus Studio is the first and only XML IDE to provide updated support for the W3C XQuery 1.0 Candidate Recommendation of November 2005.
  • Updated XSLT 2.0 Support: Stylus Studio is the first and only XML IDE to provide updated support for the W3C XSLT 2.0 Candidate Recommendation of November 2005.
  • Tools Support for DataDirect XQuery: Develop XQuery expressions that access any relational database, including Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, IBM DB2, Sybase and others. Includes integrated support for generating Java code that invokes DataDirect XQuery, letting you deploy XQuery applications with the click of a button.
  • Integrated support for Saxon SA 8.6: Stylus Studio's XQuery and XSLT tools have been updated to support the Saxon SA 8.6 processor, a leading Java-based XSLT and XQuery processing component.
  • XML Code-Folding: Stylus Studio's XML, XQuery, XML Schema, XSLT, and Java Editors now support folding XML code to simplify XML editing.
  • Hundreds of usability and performance enhancements.

Download a free trial today!

DataDirect XML Converters now Available

Stylus Studio 2006 XML Converters are high-performance Java components that provide bi-directional, programmatic access to virtually any data source (relational, EDI, flat files, and more) as XML. They make it possible to seamlessly stream non-XML data as XML to XML processing components, including Apache's Xalan XSLT Processor, and the Saxon XSLT and XQuery Processors, enabling developers to write XQuery or XSLT stylesheets that read and write to non-XML data sources as if they were XML files on the local file system.

Using Stylus Studio 2006 XML Enterprise Edition XML IDE, developers can generate the Java application code required to run these data integration applications and deploy them to any Java environment with the click of a button. DataDirect XML Converters are a powerful and innovative approach to solving data integration challenges involving different data sources including flat files, relational databases, EDI (EDIFACT and X12), XML databases, Web services, and many other file systems and data repositories.

DataDirect XML Converters are available today for $1000 (USD) per CPU, and provide access to:

  • Flat Files and File Systems: Access to hundreds of common file formats (CSV, dBase, TSV, and others); XML databases (Mark Logic Content Interaction Server, TigerLogic XDMS, and more); and File systems (WebDAV, HTTP and FTP servers, and even live Web service data)
  • Relational Databases: Integrate most relational databases including Oracle 8i (8.1.6 and 8.1.7) and Oracle 9i (R1-R2); Microsoft SQL Server 7 and 2000; Informix 9.2 (2000), 9.3, and 9.4; Sybase ASE 11, 12, and 12.5; IBM DB2 UDB 6.1, 7.x, and 8.1 for Windows, Unix, Linux, and OS/390; and DB2 UDB V4R5, V5R1 for iSeries (AS/400)
  • EDIFACT and X12 EDI Legacy: Out-of-the-box read and write access to EDIFACT and X12 EDI Message types. Or customize with Stylus Studio 2006 XML Enterprise Edition.

To get started using XML Converters, simply download a free trial of Stylus Studio 2006 XML Enterprise Edition; to purchase, email us.

FLWORs in Autumn: An Introduction to the XQuery FLWOR Expression

A new XQuery tutorial covering the XQuery FLWOR (For, Let, Where, Order By and Return) Expression has been published. XQuery FLWOR Expressions are powerful language constructs for manipulating XML data in XQuery –and they're very easy to learn, especially if you're more used to thinking of your data as a table. "An Introduction to the XQuery FLWOR Expression" covers the following topics:

  • What is the XQuery FLWOR Expression?
  • The Principal Parts of an XQuery FLWOR Expression
  • XQuery FLWOR Examples
  • Declaring XQuery Types
  • XQuery Position Variables
  • Multiple Assignments
  • Grouping in XQuery

The new FLWOR tutorial is the sequel to Learn XQuery in 10 Minutes, written by XML industry guru, Dr. Michael Kay, founder of Saxonica, the producer of the Saxon XQuery and XSLT processor. Dr. Kay is a member of the W3C committee on XQuery, XPath, and XSLT, and the author of numerous best-selling XML books. Software developers and managers looking give development teams an extra edge can read the new FLWOR tutorial today.

Introduction to WYSIWYG XSLT Design in Stylus Studio

The Stylus Studio Box Office proudly presents a series of new XSLT video demonstrations covering how to design XSLT stylesheets using Stylus Studio's WYSIWYG XSLT designer. The following XSLT video demonstrations are now playing at an XML theater near you:

Learn in just minutes how Stylus Studio's XSLT designer can radically simplify XSLT development for you.

Free XQuery Bumper Stickers

To celebrate the recent release of the W3C XQuery 1.0 Candidate Recommendation, Stylus Studio is giving away water-resistant, vinyl XQuery bumper stickers FREE to anyone who has installed the Free Trial of Stylus Studio, evaluators and paid customers alike. No dollars, no cents, this bumper sticker is one hundred percent free. (Limit one per person, while supplies last, expires December 7, 2005, see website for complete details.) Get your free XQuery bumper sticker today.

Bumper stickers are the editorial pages of today's fast-paced society – what better way to say, I love XQuery than by slapping the hottest new bumper sticker in the XML industry on the back of your automobile, motorcycle, or moped? They're a must-have for any XML developer on the go. Get your free XQuery bumper sticker today!

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