Stylus Scoop - Feb. '05 — SQL Server 2005 XQuery Features Revealed! Caught on Tape: EDI Converting to XML!

Dear Stylus Studio Friends,

Hi! Our latest jam-packed issue of The Scoop starts with an interview with Dr. Michael Rys, Microsoft's XQuery expert. Get the scoop on Microsoft's exciting new XQuery features in SQL Server 2005 (Yukon), and more! We've also updated our video collection with a new EDI-to-XML video demonstration, and Stylus Studio Principal Engineer Tony Lavinio provides a new 'Stylus Studio Hack' covering OASIS Catalogs. All this and more, all wrapped up into one great XML newsletter. Just 10 minutes a month - that's all we ask, and in return we guarantee to make you an XQuery and XML superstar - avoid the unemployment lines of tomorrow by learning with The Scoop today!

We're trying to make this the best little XML developer newsletter in the world, so, as always (even if I forget to mention it, which is unlikely), email us with your comments and suggestions.


Ivan Pedruzzi, Senior Product Architect, and the Stylus Studio Team

Table of Contents - February 2005

Dr. Michael Rys on Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and XQuery

It's hard to imagine a major company that doesn't have at least some systems running SQL Server, or using Microsoft XML technologies for that matter. Because of this, we're especially pleased to bring you Stylus Studio Senior Product Architect Ivan Pedruzzi's interview with Dr. Michael Rys, the Program Manager for the Microsoft SQL Server Engine Team. Dr. Rys is the man responsible for many of the XML initiatives in Microsoft SQL Server, including XQuery support in the upcoming SQL Server 2005 release (codenamed "Yukon"). Michael also serves as Microsoft's representative on the W3C XQuery Working Group and on the SQL standardization committee at ANSI.

Catch the latest and greatest installment in our XQuery by the XPerts' series today!

Caught on Tape - New EDI-to-XML Mapping!

Lights! Camera! Woah, Nellie! EDI-to-XML mapping caught on tape! A shocking (shocking, we say!) new video reveals in explicit detail just how easy it is to convert legacy electronic data interchange (EDI) data into XML using the new EDI-to-XML features in Stylus Studio's Convert-to-XML feature. We were too late for Oscar consideration this year, but a summary list of the explosive topics covered in our latest product documentary has us dusting off the lapels on our tuxes. This is one movie that has it all!

  • Inspecting application control codes and the layout of an EDI type 831 X12 file.
  • Automatically specifying segment terminating characters.
  • Using default EDI-to-XML settings and previewing the data conversion.
  • Visually inspecting the resulting XML document created from EDI records.
  • Overriding default WS-EDI standard names to customize XML output.
  • Using Stylus Studio's Set Node and Match Pattern feature to tailor the XML output to reflect content in each differently structured row in the EDI file.
  • Using regular expressions to create more sophisticated matching patterns, allowing you to include exclude rows from the XML output.
  • Using the Stylus Studio's Lookup List feature to specify translation values to substitute cryptic error codes with more meaningful names.

Free admission for all*. So pull up a PC and watch the movie online today!

*Popcorn not included.

Stylus Studio Hacks: Understanding Oasis Catalogs

OASIS XML Catalogs provide location-transparency. No longer do you have to worry about fixing the references to C:\db44\docbookx.dtd in 4000 XML when docbookx.dtd migrates to a new server - by employing just one development catalog and one deployment catalog, which need differ by only a few lines, you can make those troubles disappear.

Magic? Well, not quite, but OASIS Catalogs are a mystery to many. That's why we're pleased to have Tony Lavinio, Stylus Studio Principal Engineer, author of The Scoop's Stylus Studio Hacks column, and (not coincidentally) architect and engineer behind Stylus Studio's OASIS Catalog support, describe in this month's column how Stylus Studio's unique and advanced support of catalogs can make your project's transition from the lab to the real world a wee bit smoother.

Stylus Studio Hacks is a relatively new addition to The Scoop, but one that's already proving to be quite popular. Read one of Tony's lucid columns, and you'll know why.

Learn how to make catalogs your friend today!

10 Reasons Why Stylus Studio 6 Home Edition is the World's Best XML Learning Tool

Stylus Studio 6 Home Edition, Release 2 is now available, featuring hundreds of usability and performance enhancements. Download a free trial!

In the last six months, thousands of teachers, professors, instructors, and professional training companies from around the world have chosen Stylus Studio for use in their classes and for other XML learning purposes. If you're an educator or student, read up on the top-10 reasons why Stylus Studio 6 Home Edition is the World's best tool for learning XML!

Why I switched to Stylus Studio - True stories from the front lines

We've been hearing a lot from our readers lately, and here are some of the highlights! M. David Peterson, Founder of writes about his experiences with Stylus Studio on his blog:

"Stylus Studio might as well be called "Swiss Army Knife Studio" as there is not one thing it does not have the capability to do. From analyzing and viewing your XML, Stylesheets, and now XQuery in any which way you could ever want to, digging down into the heart of a transformation for performance tuning in ways you didn't even realize was possible."

We also heard from Boogaerts Bart, XML Developer, Real Software, who didn't switch to Stylus Studio. Confused? Just read: "I've been working with Stylus Studio for over 3 years now.... During the three years, I saw other developers changing to other tools ... and after a while, coming back to Stylus Studio. Stylus studio is user friendly, great for code completion, easy to use for both experienced developers and novices alike. So, why change if you're already using the best tool?"

Read more about what people are switching to Stylus Studio, or tell us why you chose Stylus Studio, or anything else - we'll respond! Email us today!.

Partner Webinar Series: Service Oriented Architectures 101

Our friends at Sonic Software are running a series of technical webinars on Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) throughout the month of March, covering the SOA basics, use cases, and architectural issues, all presented by leading technologists in the space. Register for free today for any or all of these three informative sessions!

Service Oriented Architectures (SOA): The Basics - Why is SOA important now? Learn about advances in service-oriented architecture that make it a practical approach for integrating IT systems today. Speaker: Gordon Van Huizen. Named one of the 2004 InfoWorld CTO 25. Tuesday, March 8, 2005 - 11am EST. Register online!

Enterprise Service Bus (ESB): The Architecture of SOA - Building an enterprise SOA is a challenge. Learn about the enterprise service bus (ESB) architecture and refine your understanding of the operational challenges of large mission-critical deployments. Speaker: David A. Chappell, author of Enterprise Service Bus (O'Reilly, 2004), Java Web Services (O'Reilly, 2002), and Java Message Service (O'Reilly, 2001). Tuesday, March 15, 2005 - 11am EST. Register online!

Successful ESB Deployments and Real World Use Cases - Reflections from over 100 deployments. Learn best practices from experts who deploy ESB technology every day. Hear the benefits customers get from SOA. Speaker: Hub Vandervoort, Sonic's VP of Strategic Technical Services. Tuesday, March 22, 2005 - 11am EST. Register for free!

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