10 Reasons To Reconsider Unsubscribing from 'The Stylus Scoop'

We know: you get a ton of junk mail every day. We understand: your natural instinct is to unsubscribe. But we urge you not to respond reflexively, to employ rational thought, and to think twice before snuffing out the light of the Stylus Scoop. Herewith, 10 rock-solid reasons to step back off that ledge, my friend.

1. XQuery from the XPerts —

Pundits can ruminate, and marketers can spin (and make up words like XPert), but it's hard to imagine a more plugged-in source for XQuery technologies than the Scoop. The Scoop’s Ivan Pedruzzi talks regularly with industry leaders like Dr. Michael Kay, Jason Hunter, Michael Rys, Dr. Daniela Florescu, and Priscilla Walmsley, in an effort to keep you abreast of what's happening in XQuery — today, tomorrow, and down the road.

2. Become an XQuery Superstar in 10 Minutes!

Say goodbye to 10-minute abs, and hello to 10-Minute XQuery! That's right, just 10 minutes a month reading the Scoop, and we guarantee to make you the leading expert on advanced XQuery data integration at your home, office, or workplace! Armed with the in-depth knowledge and the behind-the-scenes skinny on advanced XML technologies found only in the Scoop, there’s no limit to where you can take your career. All this, for a mere 10 minutes each month! That's not a lot to ask! Some companies want your first born or left arm (we are mostly speaking figuratively, here) in exchange for a proprietary take on the XML universe. Not so with the Stylus Studio® Scoop — check out the archived newsletters in case you missed us!

3. Get Free Stylus Studio® Gear

We've given away over one thousand t-shirts to subscribers like you in the past 12 months alone! Skeptical? — Here's a partial list of contest winners. And there's more Stylus Studio® swag to be had — practically yours for the asking (we ask, usually in the form of a questionnaire, you answer, and you’re dressed to the 9s before you can say "freebie!") Autographed XML books, cool Stylus Studio® Gear, and more! Feed your mind, and dress cool while you do it! The Scoop is the newsletter that keeps on giving.

4. Free XML tutorials

Online video demonstrations, technical whitepapers, XML tutorials, industry case studies, customer stories — the Stylus Scoop is your one-stop source for free XML resources.

5. Stylus Studio® Hacks

So you're not an XML newbie, and you’re not interested in XML tutorials (you’re jaded and cynical, like us). You need more. Stylus Studio® Hacks deliver. Each month in the Scoop, Tony Lavinio, Stylus Studio® Principal Software Engineer, provides a real-world XML use case that leverages Stylus Studio®'s most advanced XML development functionality, complete with example code to get you started on your way. See for yourself — check out Tony’s January article on Writing Custom XML Adaptors.

6. The Scoop Makes Life worth Living

Face it, XML can be boring (see remark about being jaded in #5). Honestly, how many angle brackets can even the most seasoned XML developer take before cracking? Take heart! Our hilarious (this is a marketing-oriented piece, so we can take some license with the truth) XML columns will brighten your day and make work life worth living again (full refund if you’re not chuckling out loud the next time you refactor)! See 10 Reasons XQuery Will Change Your Life, and other great stories for unapologetic XML humor at the expense of other vendors' tools.

7. Engage with the Smartest XML Community on the Planet

We're investing huge resources on building an XML developer community, and we want you to be a part of it! SSDN, XML Blogs, XQuery Innovators Awards, Stylus Studio® XQuery Developer's Choice Awards — there are so many ways to get involved with the XML development community. Don’t just see what all the buzz is about — join your peers and start making some noise of your own!

8. Make Money for Reading

That's right: make money reading the Stylus Scoop. Here’s how it works — we can all agree that a penny saved is a penny earned, so, by taking advantage of our Academic pricing, competitive upgrade programs, and other great deals offered to Stylus Scoop subscribers, you can actually make money online with the Stylus Scoop!

9. Peer Pressure

Hundreds of thousands of XML developers get the Scoop every month, and the subscription grows every day — do you really want to be the only XML developer in your workplace that doesn't get the Scoop? Do you want to be left slack-jawed at lunch the next time Jones starts popping off about facets? And wouldn’t you like to be able to offer some creative solutions to the problems facing your department at your next planning meeting? Don’t think they don’t notice.

10. Our Commitment to You

The software industry is full of lousy newsletters, and cyberspace is littered with the carcasses of dozens of half-baked, ill-conceived marketing pitches masquerading as hard industry news. Our goal is more ambitious — sure, we want to sell you Stylus Studio®, but we want to open your eyes first, to the potential of burgeoning XML technologies like XQuery, and to the potency of tools like Stylus Studio®’s XQuery Mapper that can help you unlock that potential. Our strategy is simple: provide new and relevant XML resources written by our ace XML development team and esteemed industry leaders, wrap it up in a snazzy monthly newsletter, and mail it to you, our valued customers.


All marketing hype (did you know that word is a colloquialism for hyperbole? At least we think so.) aside, we honestly believe that there's value in the Scoop, or else we wouldn’t have mounted an effort to keep you as a subscriber. And chances are, if you’ve read this far, you probably agree. So stay with us — even if it’s just for another month — and let us prove it to you. Of course, if you're set on unsubscribing, we'll honor your request and never speak ill of you. We'll even make it easy and provide this unsubscribe link.


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