Stylus Studio XML White Papers

Browse our selection of XML whitepapers, case studies, webcasts, podcasts, and research reports covering topics including Data Integration, XQuery and XML Schema. These white papers provide critical business and technical insight and information into XML computing challenges, enabling you to make smart enterprise IT purchasing decisions. All white papers are available in both HTML and a printer-friendly PDF format and registration is not required.

Data Integration White Papers

XML technologies including XQuery and XSLT provide a new standards-based aproach to solving almost any data integration challenge. Learn about using Stylus Studio to deploy XML data services, and much more!

XQuery White Papers

XQuery is the powerful, standards-based technology for querying and integrating any number of heterogeneous data sources, including XML, relational databases, EDI and more. Learn why we need XQuery technologies, what are the benefits, how to build XML workflow applications, building XQuery based web service aggregation, the basics of SQL/XML and a XQuery guided tour by the experts.

XML Schema White Papers

XML Schema is the industry-standard way to model any information. Learn how to use Stylus Studio's powerful XML schema development tools to create detailed models your business data structures and workflow processes, and how to leverage industry standard XML schema data models for a variety of different applications, for example, modeling financial applications.


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