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XQuery White PapersStylus Studio® is pleased to provide a selection of technical whitepapers and technical case studies on the latest XML topics, available in both HTML and a printer-friendly PDF format. Building XML Workflow Applications Using XSLT and XQueryBuilding XML Workflow Applications by Dr. Michael Kay covers critical design issues to consider when developing XML-based workflow applications, including data modelling, program architecture, document life-cycle, how to locate resources, and how to implement XML Workflow Applications. The Case for XQuery (Featured in Web Services Journal)XML use is widespread across modern information systems in all industry, government and academic sectors. The core technologies for processing XML (XML, XSLT, XPath, XML Schema and others) are maturing steadily — thanks to support from standards bodies like the W3C and OASIS, and from major industry players such as IBM, Microsoft, and Oracle, XML is also the basis for a growing body of industry standards for data exchange, and it is well on its way to becomming a mainstream technology for data integration. XML is transforming not just data — it is transforming information processing in general. Web Service Aggregation and Reporting Using Stylus Studio and XQueryPresents a use case in which XQuery is used to aggregate data from multiple sources and XSLT is used to transform the aggregated XML into HTML reports. Various Stylus Studio® X16 XML features are used in implementing the solution, including: an advanced XQuery editor/mapper/debugger, a Web Service Call Composer, and an XML Schema Editor. An Introduction to SQL/XML, XQuery, and Native XML Programming LanguagesXQuery and SQL/XML are two standards that use declarative, portable queries to return XML by querying data. In both standards, the XML can have any desired structure, and the queries can be arbitrarily complex. XQuery is XML-centric, while SQL/XML is SQL-centric. This white paper provides an introduction these native XML programming languages and demonstrates how they are very efficient for simplifying a many common XML programming tasks. XQuery From the Experts: Ch. One, XQuery, a Guided TourA sample chapter of XQuery From the Experts (Addison-Wesley). This chapter gives a high-level introduction to the XQuery language by presenting a series of examples, each of which illustrates an important feature of the language and shows how it is used in practice. (PDF, 0.34MB)
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