The Stylus Scoop September —

Dear Stylus Studio Friends,

September is back-to-school month, and to help advance your XQuery education we recently chatted with Java and XML guru Jason Hunter. We got his take on XQuery and XML Query API for Java (XQJ) technologies, and we're excited to share his insights with you in this month's featured XML tech talk!

As always, we hope you have fun reading the Scoop, and let us know what you think! Email us. We're always interested in hearing from you. See you next month!

Ivan Pedruzzi, Product Architect, and the Stylus Studio Team

Table of Contents - September 2004

An Interview with Jason Hunter on XQuery Technologies

We're pleased to present an exclusive interview with Mr. Jason Hunter on emerging XML technologies. In the discussion with Stylus Studio's Ivan Pedruzzi, Mr. Hunter talks about his recent work on XQuery and XQJ technologies, providing his take on how these technologies are likely to reshape the way Java and XML applications are built. Read the interview with Mr. Hunter online at our Web site.

Jason Hunter is the author of Java Servlet Programming and co-author of Java Enterprise Best Practices (both O'Reilly Media), an original contributor to Apache Tomcat, and a member of the expert groups responsible for Servlet, JSP, JAXP, and XQJ (XQuery API for Java) development. He co- created the open source JDOM library to enable optimized Java and XML integration. More recently, Jason's work has focused on XQuery technologies. In addition to helping on XQJ, he co-created BumbleBee, an XQuery test harness, and started, a popular XQuery development portal.

Win a copy of Dr. Michael Kay's XSLT 2.0 and XPath 2.0 Programmers Reference

Complete your back-to-school wardrobe with one of 50 Stylus Studio T-shirts we're giving away, free! Bookworms will be interested in one of the three sets of the recently published XSLT 2.0 Programmer's Reference and XPath 2.0 Programmer's Reference, personally autographed by author Dr. Michael Kay. New, these titles cost nearly $75 (USD) — Enter to win them for free today!

Join the Stylus Studio XML Consultants Program

Are you an XML Consultant? If so, we need you! Our customers are looking for skilled XML consultants and trainers, and we want to make sure they get the help they need. Our plan is simple! We'll help you connect with Stylus Studio customers. We will also provide you with perks, such as a listing on our Web site and special software discounts. Interested? Email us a brief description of your company and the services you provide, along with a URL and contact information , or visit our new Stylus Studio partner section.

True Stylus Studio Stories: Why I Chose Stylus Studio

This month's True Stylus Studio Story comes from Dr. David J. Birnbaum, Associate Professor and Chairman of the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures at the University of Pittsburgh. "I tried several XML editors to accomplish my work, and
settled on using Stylus recently when I heard about the new XML Differencing feature - it's the best tool for highlighting differences between closely related stylesheets and documents,
" said Dr. Birnbaum. "I'm also a big fan of Stylus Studio's integrated XPath search tools. Overall I am impressed with Stylus Studio's support for working with XML, XSLT, SVG and other key W3C standards."

You can learn more about how Dr. Birnbaum uses XML and Stylus Studio in his work and find out why thousands of XML developers like Dr. Birnbaum are choosing Stylus Studio as their preferred XML IDE at our website.

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