Home > Learn XML > Newsletter Archive > Exclusive XQuery tell-all with Daniela Florescu
The Stylus Scoop January 2005 Dear Stylus Studio Friends, The new year is scarcely one month old, but we already have lots to report! For starters, there's Stylus Studio 6 Release 2. The latest release of Stylus Studio boasts literally hundreds of product enhancements, and is available now for free trial download. We're also proud to present our interview with Dr. Daniela Florescu, editor of the XQuery specification. Read this month's Stylus Scoop and learn about where XQuery stands today and what's on the road ahead from a true industry insider and visionary. We're also rolling out the industry's first ever XQuery Innovator's Award Program to showcase your XQuery work. And to help with your resolve as you face the year ahead, we've published an XML developer's new year's resolutions. And what opening letter would be complete without soliciting your feedback? We're trying to make this XML newsletter the best in the industry, so let us know what you think! Really! Keep those cards and letters coming. Ciao! Ivan Pedruzzi, Senior Product Architect, and the Stylus Studio Team Table of Contents - January 2005
Stylus Studio 6 XML Professional Edition Release 2 Now AvailableStylus Studio 6 XML Professional Edition Release 2 is available now! Download a free trial version of this incredible update here
Q: What's all the fuss about? Just how important is the new release?
Q: Enhancements are good, but what about completely new functionality?
Q: I just purchased Stylus Studio 6 XML Professional Edition. Can I get an upgrade? An Interview with Daniela Florescu, Editor of the W3C XQuery SpecificationWhat's the scoop with XQuery you ask? We were curious, too, so we went straight to the top and called Dr. Daniela Florescu. And she called back! Pundits can ruminate, and columnists can speculate, but it's hard to imagine a more plugged-in source than Dr. Florescu, the editor-in-chief of the W3C XQuery specification since day one. Scoop Editor Ivan Pedruzzi was privileged to chat with Dr. Florescu about where XQuery is today, and where it's heading. If you read only one XQuery article this year, this should be the one! A must-read for application architects, engineers and managers alike! read the article here. Enter the XQuery Innovator Awards!Grammies! Emmies! Studdies! Studdies? It's awards season in the entertainment industry, and Stylus Studio is happy to jump on the statuette bandwagon and sponsor the First Annual Stylus Studio XQuery Innovator Award. This award, for enterprise software developers, systems integrators, and IT consultants, gives you the opportunity to have your work publicly showcased and to gain valuable recognition as a pioneer in the XQuery industry. Win accolades from the XML developer community, and a big ol' XML trophy from us. (Won't that hardware look nice on your mantelpiece?) Are you an XQuery innovator? Learn more, and pick up your entry form here. Hurry - no entries will be accepted after March 31, 2005! Stylus Studio Hacks: Building a Custom CSV to XML AdapterWe are pleased to introduce a new column in the Scoop, Stylus Studio Hacks. Each month, Principal Software Architect Tony Lavinio adds luster to one of Stylus Studio's hidden gems and shares the results with you. You probably already know that the Stylus Studio Convert to XML module provides dozens of converters that let you easily convert non-XML files (dBase (II-V), email, ini files, tab-separated values, Java properties files, RTF, CSV files, and many more) to XML on-the-fly - just pick a file, pick a converter, and open that file as XML anywhere in Stylus Studio. And you can use Convert to XML to easily build converters from scratch using an intuitive visual editor. But did you know that you can write custom XML Adapters to support custom file types? This month, Tony describes how to implement a bidirectional file filter for accessing CSV files as XML data sources. You can learn about this exciting new way to extend Stylus Studio here. Why I switched to Stylus Studio - True stories from the front linesWe're constantly inundated with exciting stories about XML developers like you who have made the switch to Stylus Studio! Here's what Sherman Gomberg, senior managing consultant at Syncata Corporation, had to say about the benefits realized from switching to the new Stylus Studio 6 XML Professional Edition: "XML and Web services offer greater flexibility and interoperability than older EDI technologies - new support for EDI-to-XML mapping in Stylus Studio provides an elegant solution for building new XQuery and XSLT enabled systems while still leveraging existing investments in legacy EDI systems that are so prevalent in the back-office operations of manufacturing, healthcare and many other industries. The new release offers compelling value by simplifying what would otherwise be very complex data integration projects." Syncata Corporation is a business consulting and systems integration firm focused on the automotive and manufacturing industries. Stylus Studio can help your business, too! Read more about what people are saying about Stylus Studio, or tell us why you chose Stylus Studio, or anything else - we'll respond! Email today!. Upcoming XQuery Technical SessionsMeet the Stylus Studio XML crew in person at the following technical sessions: * Web Services Edge, February 15-17, Hynes Convention Center, Boston, MA: The XML Data Challenge: Emerging Standards Such As XQuery, XQJ, And SQL/XML, Promise To Revolutionize Data Exchange - Tuesday, 2/15 4:00-4:50, Speaker: Jonathan Bruce * Software Development West 2005, March 14-18, Santa Clara Convention Center, Santa Clara, CA: W3C XQuery and the XQuery for Java API - Wednesday, March 16 3:30pm - 5:00pm Speaker: Jonathan Robie Stop the press? Visit: http://www.stylusstudio.com/unreg.html
PURCHASE STYLUS STUDIO ONLINE TODAY!!Purchasing Stylus Studio from our online shop is Easy, Secure and Value Priced! Attend a Live Webinar This Week!Learn about Stylus Studio's unique features and benefits in just under an hour. Register for the Stylus Studio QuickStart Training WebCast! Why Pay More for XML Tools?With Stylus Studio® X16 XML Enterprise Suite, you get the most comprehensive XML tool suite at one incredibly low price. Value: it's just one of many reasons why smart XML developers are choosing Stylus Studio! |