Data Integration Tutorials

Data integration can be quite tricky. But by reading these data integration tutorials below you'll go from being a data integrating no go to the data integrating big show!

Using Relational Data in XML Applications

Using Relational Data in XML Applications, by Dr. Michael Kay covers an overview of several common use cases of where Relational and XML data are used together and provides insight into the benefits and drawbacks of various approaches including XQuery and SQL/XML.

Using XML Adapters

Processing XML in your Java applications using JAXP is easy if you are dealing with XML documents - but what happens if your data is not all XML (for example, flat files, relational, EDI, and other legacy data formats). This tutorial covers accessing data stored in CSV files as XML using Stylus Studio XML Adapters. Written by Ivan Pedruzzi, Product Architect and Editor of the Stylus Scoop.

Transforming Non-XML Documents with XML Tools

Although XSLT and XQuery are adept at handling XML documents, much of the information in an enterprise is not in XML format. During this session we'll demonstrate some of the tools in Stylus Studio that can be used to build adapters for transforming non-XML documents to use both within Stylus Studio and in external applications, especially ones built with OpenEdge. This presentation was given at the Progress Software Corporation Exchange 2005 conference. It includes the slides, the full audio track, and all of the samples used. Written by Tony Lavinio, Software Architect, Principal, Stylus Studio Team.

Writing Custom XML Adapters

This tutorial describes building a custom XML adapter for CSV to XML data conversion for use in Stylus Studio. Written by Tony Lavinio, Software Architect, Principal, Stylus Studio Team.


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XML Training with Stylus Studio

Webucator (a Stylus Studio Training Partner) provides customized onsite XML training, XSLT training, XSL-FO training, and XML Schema training, using Stylus Studio.

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