Transforming Non-XML documents with XML tools

Stylus Studio Presentation at Exchange 2005

Each year since 1987, Progress Software Corporation (PSC) in cooperation with its customers has presented a user conference.

Speaker Bio: Tony Lavinio, now a Principal Software Architect at DataDirect Technologies, a subsidiary of PSC, has presented at many of these conferences, from the first one in Hyannis, MA back in 1987, to the most recent held in Orlando, FL.

The session he presented this year was Transforming Non-XML Documents with XML Tools.

We're pleased to announce that the slides, audio portion, and samples of code of this are now available on the Stylus Studio website.


Although XSLT and XQuery are adept at handling XML documents, much of the information in an enterprise is not in XML format. During this session we'll demonstrate some of the tools in Stylus Studio that can be used to build adapters for transforming non-XML documents to use both within Stylus Studio and in external applications, especially ones built with OpenEdge.


The audio of the one-hour session has been divided into six portions available as MP3 files:

Part 1 of 610:09(9520K)
Part 2 of 610:06(9472K)
Part 3 of 609:52(9264K)
Part 4 of 610:03(9426K)
Part 5 of 610:00(9390K)
Part 6 of 606:39(6236K)


The slides are available in PowerPoint® 2002 format here.

Sample Files

The sample files can be downloaded in .zip format here. Note that to use them, you will need a deployment for DataDirect XML Converters™. For more information, please contact us.

bikes.datThe file used to demonstrate Convert-to-XML on fixed-width records.
EXCHANGE.convThe adapter for the EDIFACT input. It should be moved into the local equivalent of C:\Program Files\Stylus Studio XML Professional Edition\Adapter.
EXCHANGE.csvThe CSV file that contains a format similar to the one we want to map to.
EXCHANGE.ediThe pseudo-EDIFACT document used to demonstrate EDI-to-CSV mapping.
EXCHANGE.pThe Progress OpenEdge 4GL program that reads in the parsed EDI.
EXCHANGE.xmlUsed for input of below.
EXCHANGE.xslEDI to CSV transformation XSLT.
EXCHANGE_1.javaA plain JAXP class to perform XSLT on initial XML.
EXCHANGE_2.javaThe same as #1, but using an adapter to execute XSLT on EDI.
EXCHANGE_3.javaThe same as #2, but using adapters for both input and output.
INVOIC_D96A.ediThe file used to demonstrate the native EDIFACT adapter.

Stylus Studio Exhibit Hall Booth

Yep, that's Tony :)


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