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XML Schema TutorialsBecome masters of modeling! No, not that modeling; modeling information by way of XML Schema. By reading the tutorial below you can play god to your information by modeling information anyway your heart desires. Building Quality XML Schemas with Stylus StudioInterested in writing fabulous XML Schemas? This tutorial explains how to use IBM alphaWorks XML Schema Quality Checker in Stylus Studio to check the style and quality of your XML data models by comparing it to various XML schema best practices. OASIS Catalogs for Fun and ProfitOASIS XML Catalogs provide location-transparency. No longer do you have to worry about fixing the references to C:\db44\docbookx.dtd in 4000 XML when docbookx.dtd migrates to a new server — by employing just one development catalog and one deployment catalog, which need differ by only a few lines, you can make those troubles disappear. Sound interesting? Read this article! Written by Tony Lavinio, Software Architect, Principal, Stylus Studio Team. |
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