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XML Mapping ToolsStylus Studio® X16 XML is the ultimate XML mapping tool! Visually map from XML-to-XML, relational database-to-XML, Web service data-to-XML, and much more! When it comes to running XML mappings in your live application code, check out our XML Pipeline Server, data conversion API, and scalable XML Converters. XML-to-XML MappingVisually develop mappings from an XML instance document, XML Schema, or DTD, to a target XML document! Output code can be either XSLT or XQuery. Featuring new synchronized visual mapping and source code views! Database-to-XML MapperSeamlessly map relational data from any database (Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, IBM DB/2, Sybase, Informix, and more!) to XML. HTML-to-XML MappingVisually map HTML pages to XML, generating an XSLT stylesheet. Supports two-way editing! XML-to-HTML MappingThe Stylus Studio XML Publisher provides a visual XML to HTML mapping designer that helps you create visually create advanced HTML + CSS layouts for publishing your XML data to the Web. EDI-to-XML MappingThe world's best EDI-to-XML mapping tool, featuring full support for HL7, EDIFACT, IATA, EANCOM, SEF and X12 and more! Convert to XMLVisually convert any legacy data format including flat files, comma-separated (CSV), tab-separated, binary, or any other file format into XML! Web Service Data-to-XML MapperSeamlessly perform XML data mapping operations on Web service data. XML to PDF MappingConvert XML to PDF using our intuitive XML report generation tools for use in XML and XSL:FO based publishing applications. |
PURCHASE STYLUS STUDIO ONLINE TODAY!!Purchasing Stylus Studio from our online shop is Easy, Secure and Value Priced! Try Stylus XML Mapping ToolsDownload a free trial of our award-winning XML mapping tools today! Learn Stylus Studio in 6 MinutesCan six minutes change your life? A new action-packed online video demonstration covers how to use Stylus Studio in just six minutes! Watch this video and change the way you develop XML applications forever! Ask Someone You KnowDoes your company use Stylus Studio? Do your competitors? Engineers from over 100,000 leading companies use Stylus Studio, and now you can ask someone from your own organization about their experiences using Stylus Studio. The World's Best XML Mapping Tools
... The visual mapping tools in products like Stylus Studio, where you define the input and output schemas and then generate an XSLT transformation by drawing lines from one to the other, work particularly well when the two schemas are very similar. — Dr. Michael Kay |