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XML Mapping
XML-to-HTML MapperSimplifiy XML-to-HTML mapping with Stylus Studio XML Publisher, a powerful visual XML-to-HTML mapping tool based on industry-standard XML technologies. Our powerful XML-to-HTML mapper (illustrated below click to enlarge) provides an intuitive way to visually develop advanced document layouts and then automatically generate the XSLT stylesheets for publishing your XML data to the Web in an HTML +CSS format. A new video tutorial shows just how easy it is to render HTML from XML with Stylus Studio®! Map XML to HTMLMapping XML to HTML is easy with the Stylus Studio XML Publisher, just follow these easy steps:
The resulting output is an XSLT stylesheet, that when executed, will output an HTML+CSS file that implements the XML to HTML mapping that you designed. Prev: "Web Service Data-to-XML Mapper" Next: "XML-to-XML Mapper" |
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