Here is a list of the catalogs available today for use with through the User-Defined Catalog Wizard:

Catalog Description
acord.xmlAssociation for Cooperative Organization Research and Development (ACORD) Insurance Industry Schemas
adobe.xmlAdobe Schemas
bea.xmlBEA Supported Standards Schemas
biztalk.xmlMicrosoft BizTalk-related Schemas
bmecat.xmlBMEcat eBusiness Standardization Committee (see also openTRANS)
catalogs.xmlCatalog Schemas
choreography.xmlWeb Choreography Schemas: WSCI: Web Service Choreography Interface; BPML: Business Process Modeling Language; WfMC: Workflow Management Coalition; BPEL4WS: Business Process Execution Language for Web Services; XLang: XML Language; WSFL: Web Services Flow Language; ebXML/eBPSS
cml.xmlCML: Chemical Markup Language and STMML: A Markup Language for Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishing
csta.xmlECMA 269, 323 and 348 CSTA Standards; Computer Supported Telecommunications Applications (CSTA); Standard ECMA-269: Services for CSTA Phase III; Standard ECMA-323: XML Protocol for CSTA Phase III; Standard ECMA-348: Web Services Description Language (WSDL) for CSTA Phase III
cxml.xmlCommerce XML (cXML) Schemas
daisy.xmlDigital Talking Book (ANSI/NISO Z39.86-2002), Use and Maintenance
dita-00.xmlIBM Darwin Information Typing Architecture 0.0 (DITA) Schemas
dita-01.xmlIBM Darwin Information Typing Architecture 0.1 (DITA) Schemas
dita-10.xmlIBM Darwin Information Typing Architecture 1.0 (DITA) Schemas
dita-12.xmlIBM Darwin Information Typing Architecture 1.2 (DITA) Schemas
dmtf.xmlDistributed Management Task Force (DMTF) WBEM/CIM Schemas
docbook.xmlDocBook Schemas: 4.1.2 and 4.2
dsml.xmlDirectory Services Markup Language (DSML) Schemas
dublincore.xmlDublin Core Metadata XML and RDF Schemas
edgar.xmlElectronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval of SEC filings (EDGAR) Schemas
editeur.xmlEDItEUR ONIX Book Publishing Schemas
election-1.xmlElection Markup Language (EML) 1.0
election-2.xmlElection Markup Language (EML) 2.0
election-3.xmlElection Markup Language (EML) 3.0
election-4.xmlElection Markup Language (EML) 4.0
emergency.xmlCommon Alerting Protocol (CAP)
eml.xmlEcological Metadata Language (EML) Schemas
entities.xmlW3C 2003 Entities
epa.xmlEnvironmental Protection Agency Schemas
epc.xmlElectronic Product Code (EPC) Physical Markup Language (PML) Specification
eurofer.xmlEurofer (European Confederation of Iron and Steel Industries) XML SChemas
faml.xmlFinancial Analysis Markup Language (FAML)
forrest.xmlApache Forrest Schemas
fpml.xmlFinancial products Markup Language (FpML)
gcapaper.xmlIDEAlliance Schemas, including GCAPaper, ADIS, ICE, spaceXML and PapiNet Schemas
gpx.xmlGPX: the GPS Exchange Format
gxa.xmlGlobal XML Web Services Architecture (GXA) Schemas
hibernate.xmlHibernate Schemas
hlink.xmlHLink Schemas
hr-xml.xmlHR-XML 1.0 and 2.0
html2.xmlHTML 2 Schemas
html32.xmlHTML 3.2 Schemas
html4.xmlHTML 4 Schemas
ibtwsh.xmlItsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Simple Hypertext Schemas
ietf.xmlIETF Schemas: BEEP, CIPID, Jabber/XMPP, KPML, MSCML, NETCONF, PIDF, roamPhoneBook, RPID, SASL TLS, and XML-RFC
itpc.xmlNewsML, SportsML and News Industry Text Format (NITF) Schemas
java.xmlJava-Related Schemas
jtauber.xmlCharacter Entities
jxdd.xmlJustice XML Data Dictionary
koffice.xmlKDE KOffice Schemas
ldml.xmlLocale Data Markup Language
lisa.xmlLocalization Industry Standards Association (LISA) schemas, including Translation Memory eXchange (TMX) and TermBase eXchange (TBX)
mathml2.xmlMathML Schemas
mddl.xmlMarket Data Definition Language (MDDL) Schemas
medicine.xmlUnited States National Library of Medicine Journal Publishing, Archiving and Interchange Schemas
mets.xmlMetadata Encoding and Transmission Standard
ms-sec.xmlMicrosoft-related Web Services Security Specifications
msoffice.xmlMicrosoft Office 2003 Schemas
mtx.xmlViewpoint Corporation MTX Schemas
music.xmlMusicXML interchange language and MIDI schemas
nasa.xmlNASA Schemas, including FITSML and eXtensible Data Format (XDF)
navy.xmlU.S. NAVY Schemas
ncausa.xmlNational Coffee Association Schemas
ncbi.xmlNCBI Schemas for Archiving and Publishing Articles, Journals, Books and Book Collections
nrf-arts-2003.xmlAssociation for Retail Technology Standards (ARTS) 2003 Schemas
nrf-arts-2004.xmlAssociation for Retail Technology Standards (ARTS) 2004 Schemas
oagis.xmlOAGIS 8.0 Schemas
odrl.xmlDigital Rights, Digital Signature, and Encryption Schemas
omg.xmlObject Management Group (OMG) XML Metadata Interchange (XMI)
openebook.xmlOpen eBook Forum Publication Structure
opengis-extras.xmlOpenGIS Geography Markup Language (GML) Extras
opengis.xmlOpenGIS Geography Markup Language (GML) Schemas
openls.xmlOpenGIS Location Services (OpenLS) Schemas from OGC
openoffice.xmlOpenOffice Schemas
opentrans.xmlopenTRANS eBusiness Standardization Committee (see also BMEcat)
pidx.xmlPetroleum Industry Data Exchange (PIDX)
pimnet.xmlPIMNet Schemas - for exchanging PDA data
pmml.xmlData Mining Group (DMG) Predictive Model Markup Language (PMML)
prism.xmlPRISM Standards
privacy.xmlPlatform for Privacy Preferences (P3P) Schemas including APPEL: A P3P Preference Exchange Language
protein.xmlProtein Data Bank mmCIF Exchange Dictionary
publishing.xmlPrinting Industry Schemas: CPI4 Job Definition Format (JDF) and PrintTalk
python-xml-sig.xmlXML-SIG Schemas: XML Bookmark Exchange Language (XBEL); Quotation Exchange Language (QEL)
rddl.xmlRDDL: Resource Directory Description Language
resume.xmlXML Resume Schemas
rixml.xmlResearch Information Exchange Markup Language (RIXML)
saml.xmlSecurity Assertion Markup Language (SAML)and XML Advanced Electronic Signatures (XAdES)
schemas.xmlSchema Schemas: XML Schema, DCD, XML-Data, XDR, DDML, SOX, RELAX, Schematron, PSVI
science.xmlScientific Schemas: CSDGM: Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata; DAS-XML: Distributed Sequence Annotation System; IML: Instrument Markup Language; MATML: Markup Language for the Exchange of Materials Property Data; SBML: The Systems Biology Markup Language
security.xmlSecurity- and Encryption-related Schemas: XML Key Management Specification (XKMS 2.0); Application Vulnerability Description Language (AVDL 1.0)
smil.xmlSMIL: Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language
sonic.xmlSonic Software schemas, for SonicMQ and Sonic ESB, and the WS-Reliability schema
svg.xmlScalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Schemas
tei.xmlText Encoding Initiative (TEI) Schemas, including TEI-Lite
topicmaps.xmlTopic Map Schemas, including XML Topic Maps (XTM), Simple Topic Maps (STM), Ontopia Topic Maps and InfoLoop Topic Maps
ubl.xmlUniversal Business Language 1.0
uddi.xmlUniversal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI), schemas and WSDL documents
uspto.xmlUnited States Patent and Trade Office Schemas
voice.xmlVoice-related Schemas: VoiceXML, CCXML, JSML (Java Speech Markup Language), SSML (Speech Synthesis Markup Language), and more.
weather.xmlNOAA National Weather Service National Digital Forecast Database (NDFD) Extensible Markup Language
web3d.xmlWeb 3D Consortium Schemas
wml.xmlWireless Access Protocol (WAP) Schemas, Wireless Markup Language (WML) Schemas, and XHTML-Mobile Schemas
ws-caf.xmlWeb Services Composite Application Framework (WS-CAF) for Transaction Coordination
ws-rf.xmlWeb Services Resource Framework
wsdl.xmlSOAP and WSDL Schemas (including related protocols)
wsmf.xmlWeb Services Management Framework
xacml.xmleXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) Schemas
xbrl.xmleXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) Schemas
xforms.xmlXForms 1.0 Schemas; XEvents 1.0 Schemas
xfront.xmlCountry Codes, Currency Names, ISBN Decoding and Units of Measure tables
xhtml.xmlXHTML 1.0 and 1.1, including the XHTML-Modular and XHTML-Basic profiles, and XHTML-Events.
xlink.xmlXML Linking Language (XLink)
xmlspec.xmlXML Documentation specification schemas


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