And the Winner is... Stylus Studio®!

We don't mean to gloat, but... WE WON! Every one likes to win an award. And because we're so proud to have an award winning product, we've posted a list of all the awards and merits Stylus Studio has received. Check them out below - You like us, you really like us!

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February 16, 2012

Best Web Tool

Stylus Studio® has recently been featured on Web Hosting Search as one of the Best Web Tools online for 2012. Thanks a lot to our friends at WHS!

February 28, 2011

Top Product

Stylus Studio XML Professional received an award for being in the top 100 worldwide products for 2010-2011 from ComponentSource.

February 25, 2011

Top Publisher

Progress Software (DataDirect Technologies/Stylus Studio) was awarded a ranking in the top 50 best worldwide publishers for 2010-2011 from ComponentSource.

February 9, 2007

ComponentSource Bestselling Product Awards 2006

Top 50 Bestselling Product Award 2006

In the Bestselling Product Awards 2006 by ComponentSource®, Stylus Studio XML has been named as a Top 50 Bestselling Product. The awards program honors ComponentSources bestselling products and leading publishers.

February 9, 2007

ComponentSource Bestselling Product Awards 2006

Top 50 Bestselling Publisher Award 2006

ComponentSource® announces a new awards program for its bestselling products and leading publishers. In the Bestselling Publisher Awards 2006, DataDirect Technologies has been named as a Top 50 Bestselling Publisher.

January 18, 2007

Jolt Award Finalists

2007 Jolt Product Excellence Awards Finalists

Stylus Studio 2007 XML Enterprise Suite has been announced as a finalist in the Design and Modeling category for the 17th Annual Jolt Product Excellence Awards.

January 15, 2007

Codie Award Finalists

2007 Codie Award Finalists

DataDirect Technologies and DataDirect XQuery™ earn finalist status in the Codie Awards for the following two categories: Best Software Development Solution and Best Web Services Solution.

December 20, 2006

CRN Product of the Year

CRN Magazine Product of the Year: Stylus Studio 2007 XML Suite

Stylus Studio, an industry leading provider of XML tools and data integration components, received the Product of the Year Award for Web Development from CRN Magazine, the news weekly of vital information for business and technology integrators.

October 10, 2006

XML Solutions Without the Hassle of Coding

Dr. Dobb's Approves of Stylus Studio 2007

Dr. Dobb's Reports: "Unlike procedures that use code to process data flows, Stylus Studio uses graphical map diagrams to elegantly control many data sources using validations and conditions based on XML Schemas, XSLT and XQuery."

October 10, 2006

Review: Create Powerful XML Solutions Without Coding

CRN Magazine Recommends Stylus Studio 2007

CRN Reports: "DataDirect Technologies' Stylus Studio 2007 XML Enterprise Suite comes with two new tools -- XML Pipeline and XML Publisher -- that help developers create powerful XML solutions without coding. "

November 23, 2005

CNET's Top Pick: Stylus Studio 2006 XML Enterprise Edition

CNET's Top Pick: Stylus Studio 2006 XML Enterprise Edition

Paul Hughes, Contributing Editor, CNET says in this week's Download Dispatch newsletter: "If you're a high-powered XML developer, chances are you already know about Stylus Studio, one of the most high-power IDEs around for XML. Whether you've heard about it or not, though, anybody who works with XML would do well to check out Stylus Studio XML Enterprise Edition 2006, a major release that just came out last week. Just as it always has, Stylus Studio cuts your dev time by giving you stable, intuitive, well-designed tools that work the way you expect them to, but this release adds even better standards conformance and a lot of new functionality, including powerful XML Converters, screen-saving XML code-folding, a new EDI conversion and validation wizard, and updated XQuery 1.0 and XSLT 2.0 support."

August 19, 2005

Stylus Studio Wins SQL Server Magazine's Readers Choice Award for Best XML IDE

Stylus Studio Wins SQL Server Magazine's Readers Choice Award for Best XML IDE

In the September issue SQL Server Magazine, Senior Associate Editor Dawn Cyr writes, "This year, heavy [hitter] ... DataDirect Technologies rose above the competition to dominate the development space ... DataDirect Stylus Studio 6 XML Professional Edition is an advanced XML IDE that provides a comprehensive set of XML tools and features for working with XML, XQuery, SQL/XML, Web services, and many other XML technologies. The product's feature set includes synchronized, visual XML editing views; comprehensive XSLT development support; support for visual XQuery editing, XQuery mapping, and XQuery debugging; and support for visual XML Schema editing."

"Recognition from customers in the industry is an honor and is the ultimate 'seal of approval' for the products that won," said Michele Crockett, Associate Publisher, SQL Server Magazine. “The SQL Server Magazine Readers’ Choice Awards were started as a way for readers to choose and recommend the best technology products in the industry. The awards program gives readers the opportunity to voice their opinions and for leading technology companies to receive the recognition they deserve."

July 20, 2005

SoftsLists: Stylus Studio® 6 XML Enterprise Edition Wins 5 Stars Rating

SoftsLists: Stylus Studio® 6 XML Enterprise Edition Wins 5 Stars Rating

Stylus Studio® 6 XML Enterprise Edition is the world's most powerful XML IDE for working with any XML technology. Stylus Studio® provides editors, debuggers, and utilities for simplifying your next XML project. Some of the highlights of Stylus Studio® include an XML Editor with integrated parser and validator, a visual XML Schema Editor, a DTD editor, XML Mapping tools, Web Service tools, XML import/export tools, Relational Database to XML conversion tools, Java and XML support, XML document wizards and more.

more >

March 28, 2005

eWEEK Picks Excellence Award Finalists

Stylus Studio® Selected as eWEEK Excellence Award Finalist

Stylus Studio® 6 is selected as a finalist in the EWeek excellence awards in the productivity category. According to EWeek: "In the five years we've been running the Excellence Awards program, we've been impressed with the field of entered candidates. This year, however, the Excellence Awards judges—eWEEK analysts and members of the eWEEK Corporate Partner Advisory Board—found the process of determining finalists especially challenging."

February 16, 2005

Stylus Studio® wins Top Honors from CNET's

Stylus Studio® wins Top Honors from CNET's

This powerful environment provides extensive functionality for developing XML applications. Stylus Studio® XML Professional Edition's convenient, tabbed interface lets you easily manage multiple documents. Add new buttons by dragging and dropping, and toggle panels just as easily. The preview window opens the document in Internet Explorer. Work with a DOM tree diagram, a grid representation, or raw XML text complete with highlighting and indenting. Numerous wizards assist in creating XML applications and converting among formats. You can map the schema of an XML file to the schema of another XML file, useful if you need the same information in several forms. As the last steps, you can debug your style sheets and design a Web service call without writing any code. Professionals will find the functionality-to-price ratio reasonable.

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Why Pay More for XML Tools?

With Stylus Studio® X16 XML Enterprise Suite, you get the most comprehensive XML tool suite at one incredibly low price. Value: it's just one of many reasons why smart XML developers are choosing Stylus Studio!

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