Who Uses Stylus Studio® to Learn XML?

Since its inaugural release in August of 2004, Stylus Studio® has gained tremendous market share in the rapidly growing XML education and training industry. Today, thousands of students, professors, and leading XML training companies all recognize that proficiency in core XML technologies including XML, XSLT, XSL:FO, XML Schema, XQuery, XPath, DTD and other W3C technologies are required skills in today's application development market, and rely on Stylus Studio®'s intuitive XML editors and tools to dramatically simplify learning of XML concepts. So many educators and students use Stylus Studio® that we've lost count, but here is a partial list of some universities, community colleges, and other higher learning institutions that use Stylus Studio®!

4GL School Solutions Aalborg University
Abertay University Dundee Academy of the New Church
Acadia University African Virtual University
Aichi University Alamo Community College
Albany University Albeda College
Algonquin College American University of Paris
American University of Sharjah AMRE at the College of Wooster
Anglia Polytechnic University Anna University
Arab American University, Palestine Arcadia
Arizona State University Artevelde Hogeschool
Aston University Auckland University of Technology
Australian National University Avondale College
Baker College Baronie College
Baylor University Bilkent University, Turkey
BioInformatics at Dartmouth Medical Birkbeck University of London
Bismarck State College Blackburn College
Bogazici University Boston University
Bournemouth University Brandeis University
Brigham Young University Brighton Grammar School
Brown University Brunel University
BTT College Cairo University
Caltech Cambridge University
Canton College of Technology Carlson School
Carmel Secondary School Carnegie Mellon University
Central Gippsland Institute of Technology Central Queensland University
Centralia College Champlain College, Burlington, Vermont
Chinese University of Hong Kong Chongqing University
City College Brighton and Hove City University
Clarkson University Cleveland State University
Coemnius University Collège de Rosemont
College of St. Catherine College of Wooster
Colorado State University Cornell University
Cuny Graduate Center Curtin University of Technology
Dakota State University Dalarna University
Dalhousie University Darmstadt University of Technology
Dartmouth College Dartmouth University
De Montfort University Deakin University
DeAnza College DeVry University
Diablo Valley College Dublin Institute of Technology
Duke University Eastern New Mexico University, Roswell
Eastern Washington University Edith Cowan University
Edward Waters College Falmouth College of Arts
Feu-Eastasia College Franklin Pierce College, New Hampshire
Franklin University Gdansk University of Technology
George Mason University George Washington University
Georgia Institute of Technology Georgia Military College
Georgia State University Georgia Tech
Goethe University Frankfurt Greenwich University
Griffith University Groningen University, The Netherlands
GSU University Guru Nanak Dev University
Hacettepe University Hagerstown Community College
Hamdard University Hamilton College, Ney York
Hamiton College Library Hardin-Simmons University
Harvard University Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Heriot-Watt University Hong Kong Baptist University
Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
Hope College, Holland, Michigan Houghton College
Howard University Imerial College London
Immaculata University Imperial College London
Indian River Community College Indiana University
Innodata-Isogen Iowa State University
Jacksonville University Jilin University
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Johns Hopkins University
Kansas State University Kasetsart University
Keimyung University Kelley School of Business
Kent State University, Ohio Khonkaen University
King Fahd University Kingston University
Knowsley College, UK Knowsley Community College
Konkuk University, Seoul Korea Korea University
Kyoto University Kyunghee University
Lake Washington Technical College Lakehead University, Canada
Lancaster University Lanzhou University
Learning Systems Institute Lebanon Valley College
Leeds Metropolitan University Lewis-Clark State College
Liverpool John Moores University Longwood University
Los Angeles City College Lotus College
Loughborough University Lund University
Mainz University Makerere University, Kampala
Marist College Marlboro College Graduate Center
Marquette University Massachusetts Institute of Technology
McMaster University Medical College of Georgia, Augusta
Medical College of Ohio Medicine Hat College
Metropole College Miami University
Middle Tennessee State University Middlesex University
Milwaukee Area Technical College Minnesota State Colleges & Universities
Monash University Monroe College
Morehead State University Mugla University
Muthayamal Engineering College Nanyang Technological University
Napier University Naresuan University
National Technology Transfer Center National University of Lesotho
National University of Science and Technology National University of Singapore
Naval Postgraduate School New Jersey Institute of Technology
New York University Newcastle University
Norfolk State University North Atlantic Fisheries College
North Carolina Central University North Carolina State University
North Dakota University North Shore Communtiy College
Northeastern University Northerm Arizona University
Northwestern University, Chicago, IL Norton University
Nottingham University Nur University
Ocean County College Ogden Weber Applid Tech College
Ohio State University Ohio Univesity
Oklahoma State University Old Dominion University
Oostvaarders College Open University, UK
Oregon State University Ottawa University, Canada
Owens Community College Oxford University
Pace University Penn State University
Penn State, Harrisburg Penta College
PENTA college CSG Pepperdine University
Philadelphia University Phoenix University
Portland Community College Prairie State College
Princeton University Pukyong National University
Purdue University West Lafayette, Indiana Queen's University Belfast
Queens University, Kingston, Canada Queensland University of Technology
Ramkhamkaeng University Remington College
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Rollins College
Rotherham College Rutgers University
Sabanci University Saint Joseph's University
Sam Houston State University, Texas Samara State University
San Francisco State University Santa Rosa Junior College
Saranathan College of Engineering Saskatoon Public Schools
Seattle University Seneca College
Seoul National University CSE Shandong University, China
Shanghai JiaoTong University Shanghai University
Sheffield Hallam University Shiraz University
Simon Fraser University, Canada Sir Sandford Fleming College
Sohar University South East Essex College
Southern Connecticut State University Southern Methodist University
Southern University and A & M College Stanford University
State University of Campinas State University of New York
Stephen F. Austin State University Stockholms University
Strathmore University Sunway College
Sutcu Imam University Swansea University
Swinburne University Szkola Wyzsza MILA College
TamKang University Taylor University, Indiana
Technical University of Koszalin Technical University Vienna
Texas A&M University Texas Tech University
The College of West Anglia Tokyo Kasei University
Tokyo Technical College TongJi University
Towson University Trinity College Dublin
Truckee Meadows Community College Tucson Design College
UFPA - Fedral University of Para (Brazil) Umm Alqura University
UNC Charlotte US Military Academy at West Point
Universidad de Pamplona Universidad de Puerto Rico
Universidad Francisco de Paula S Universidad Nur
Universitaet fuer angewandte Kun Universität Duisburg
Universität Frankfurt Universitat Oberta de Catalunya UOC
Universitat Pompeu Fabra Universitatea din Bucuresti
Université de la Réunion Universiti Sains Malaysia
University at Buffalo University College Cork
University College of Aarhus University Leiden, LIACS
University Lyon University of Sci & Tec
University of Aberdeen University of Alabama at Birmingham
University of Arizona University of Arkansas
University of Art Vienna University of Auckland
University of Ballarat University of Baltimore
University of Bath University of Berne / CDE
University of Birmingham University of British Columbia
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) University of California, Berkeley
University of California, Irvine University of California, Riverside
University of Cambridge, UK University of Cape Town
University of Central England University of Central Florida
University of Chicago University of Cincinnati
University of Colorado at Denver University of Connecticut
University of Denver University of East Anglia
University of Florida University of Georgia
University of Giessen University of Glasgow
University of Greenwich University of Haifa
University of Hertfordshire University of Hong Kong
University of Houston University of Illinois, Chicago
University of Iowa University of Jyvaskyla
University of Kansas University of Kentucky, Lexington
University of Konstanz University of Kwa Zulu Natal
University of la Reunion University of Latvia
University of Leicester University of Lincoln
University of Liverpool University of Louisiana, Lafayette
University of Luton University of Malaya
University of Manchester University of Manitoba
University of Maryland University of Massachusetts, Boston
University of Miami University of Michigan
University of Milano University of Minnesota
University of Missouri, Columbia University of Montana, Montana Tech
University of Montreal University of Nebraska, Omaha
University of Nebraska, Lincoln University Of Nevada, Reno
University of New South Wales, Sydney University of Newcastle
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill University of North Carolina, Greensboro
University of North Carolina, Wilmington University of North Texas
University of Nottingham University of Oregon
University of Ottawa University of Paderborn
University of Pennsylvania University of Pittsburgh
University of Plymouth University of Puerto Rico
University of Queensland University of Regensburg
University of Regina, Saskatchewan University of Rousse
University of Salford University of Science & Technology, China
University of Scranton University of Sindh
University of South Australia University of South Carolina
University of South Dakota University of Southern California (USC)
University of Southern Mississippi University of Stavanger
University of Surrey University of Sussex
University of Sydney University of Tennessee
University of Tennessee, Chattanooga University of Texas, Arlington
University of Texas, Austin University of Texas, Dallas
University of the West of England University of Tokyo
University of Toledo University of Toronto
University of Tulsa University of Vermont
University of Vienna University of Virginia
University of Wales Bangor University of Warwick
University of Washington University of Waterloo
University of Western Ontario University of Western Sydney
University of Windsor University of Wisconsin, Madison
University of Wisconsin, Milwauke University of Wolverhampton
University of York University of Zululand
University Silesia US Military Academy
Utah State University Vaal University of Technology
Vanderbilt University Nashville, Tennessee Virginia Tech
Wageningen University Wake Forest University
Walden University Wappingers Central School District
Washington State University, Pullman Washington University, St. Louis
Wayne State University Detroit, Michigan West Virginia University
Western Illinois University, Macomb Wilkes Community College
Wilmington Christian School Wiltshire College
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI)
Wuhan University XML and Web Services Center CUNY
Yale University Yonsei University, Korea
York University, Toronto Yunnan University
ZBuniverstiy Zhongshan University


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