Access Any ODBC Database Data as XML Using DataDirect SequeLink

Stylus Studio® features an innovative multi-database connectivity solution through our integrated support of DataDirect SequeLink. SequeLink is a complete end-to-end middleware solution that provides a universal client for ODBC, JDBC, ADO or .NET, and is ideal for applications which require access to three or more data stores (see illustration below). The SequeLink universal client is database independent, so if you decide to incorporate additional data sources, you do not need to update or install a new SequeLink client. SequeLink also provides a centralized console for configuring and managing data access from a single point of control.

DataDirect SequeLink Overview

Treat any Database Data as an XML Data Source

Integrated support for DataDirect SequeLink in Stylus Studio® means that you can connect to any number and/or any kind of database and seamlessly use the resulting XML data sources throughout Stylus Studio® regardless of where it comes from. Stylus Studio® and SequeLink lets you treat any data source as simply another XML data source, and of course all of Stylus Studio®'s advanced XML editing features, such as our advanced XML mapping, XSLT stylesheet design tools, and XQuery mapping tools, are designed to operate on any XML data source! Configuring an XML data source (from any database) for use in Stylus Studio® is simply a matter of installing the SequeLink server software and specifying connection properties in Stylus Studio® (see illustration below). For more information, see a recently published tutorial entitled Configuring an ODBC Data Source Using DataDirect SequeLink Server.

Configuring Relational/XML Data Sources With Stylus Studio®

Stylus Studio®'s support for the DataDirect SequeLink family of data connectivity components provides developers with greater centralized monitoring and management capabilities as well as expanded access to a greater range of databases, thus leveraging existing technology investments while simultaneously affording more flexibility to rapidly incorporate new systems using standards-based XML technologies.


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