Standard Bank Meets Money Laundering Compliance Requirements Using Stylus Studio™ and XML Pipeline Server™

MIAMI, FL, August 20, 2015 (Newswire) -  ​IVI Technologies, the developer of XML Pipeline Server™, a highly scalable server that automates and streamlines data transformation and data integration, and the master distributor of Progress® DataDirect® Stylus Studio®, the award-winning XML Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and XML Editor from Progress Software, announced the successful implementation of an enterprise data processing and delivery solution for Standard Bank in Namibia by system integrator Berchtold Software Development and Training (BSDaT).

Standard Bank Namibia, with over 100 years banking expertise, is required to deliver information about specific transfers that occur in an XML file format to the regulator, the Financial Intelligence Centre Namibia, in a timely fashion to help identify money laundering transactions.

IVI Technologies XML Pipeline Server allowed for the dynamic adaptability Standard Bank and the BSDaT integration team needed.

“After evaluating several solutions we came to the conclusion that IVI Technologies XML Pipeline Server is the most flexible deployment platform for our needs. Working with the IVI team has been a great experience and gives us the confidence that no matter what challenges lie ahead we have them on our side,” BSDaT founder, Susanne Berchtold said.

Standard Bank extracts the necessary transaction information as CSV files from their banking system. These CSV files are then processed by IVI Technologies XML Pipeline Server where the files are converted into the required XML format, schema validated and split into individual transactions.  The XML pipeline that is processed by the XML Pipeline Server is graphically designed using Stylus Studio X15 Release 2 Enterprise Suite.

Want to know more? Give us a try for your data, HL7 and EDI integration requirements!

Stylus Studio X15 Release 2 ( is now available for free trial download, and for purchase at the Stylus Studio online shop. Stylus Studio X15 Release 2 XML Enterprise Suite and Stylus Studio X15 Release 2 XML Professional Suite are aggressively priced. Volume discounts and competitive upgrades are also available – please visit the online shop for a complete price list. For more information about enterprise licensing, or for any questions about purchasing Stylus Studio products, contact us, or send an email to

XML Pipeline Server is now available ( for free trial with registration. XML Pipeline Server is a highly scalable server that automates data conversion, validation, transformations, and report and document generation from/to a variety of data sources. XML Pipeline Server can be deployed on any server / workstation in your enterprise or you can have a zero footprint deployment using our Cloud-based offering. Contact our enterprise sales team at (305) 748-4155 or visit for more information.

About IVI Technologies

IVI Technologies is a global software developer, reseller and a technology company developing and representing world-class software in the integration market space. XML Pipeline Server and are just two of IVI Technologies developed products. The company is the primary go-to-market vehicle for the Progress® DataDirect® Stylus Studio® offering, the industry leading XML IDE. Contact IVI Technologies via email at: or directly at: (305) 748-4155.


DataDirect, Progress and Stylus Studio are trademarks or registered trademarks of Progress Corporation and/or its subsidiaries or affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. Java and all Java-based marks are trademarks or service marks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. Any other trademarks contained herein are the property of their respective owners.  XML Pipeline Server is a pending registered trademark of IVI Technologies, Inc.

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