Newly Released PHP 5.0 adds XML integration

July 14, 2004 — Forest Hill, MD, According to a statement posted Tuesday evening on the PHP Web site, PHP 5.0 is now available for download. PHP is a widely used open source, general purpose server-side scripting language that is especially popular for building dynamic Web applications. The language, created in 1995, is currently managed by the non-profit Apache Software foundation. It is available for free download under a version of the Apache GPL open source license. According to a November 2003 Netcraft survey, PHP is used on approximately half of the 14.5 million Apache-based Web sites.

The PHP 5.0 release includes a number of new features including native XML support, a completely rebuilt scripting engine, improved Web services support using a built-in SOAP extension. PHP 5.0 can be downloaded for free at the PHP website.

Commenting on the significance of this new use of XML technologies, Carlo Innocenti, Stylus Studio's senior product architect said: "The addition of new advanced XML support to PHP 5.0 emphasizes the importance of XML technologies as the de facto language for virtually all aspects of Enterprise software development from XML Web services to front-end development. Stylus Studio is a great tool for PHP developers, providing, advanced XML tools such as a Web service call composer, an XSLT editor and many other highly complementary tools which serve to accelerate the development of XML enabled PHP applications."

About Stylus Studio

Stylus Studio is the world's leading XML IDE, that includes comprehensive XML development tools for official W3C technologies, including XML, XHTML, XSLT, XML Schema, DTD, XSLT, XQuery, XPath, WSDL, and all other critical Web architecture technologies. Stylus Studio is available immediately for a free 30-day trial download Stylus Studio is also available for online purchase, starting at $395 (US) for a single user license, or contact us.

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