W3C Releases Public Working Draft for Full-Text Searching of XML Text and Documents

Boston, MassachusettsJuly 12, 2004 — The W3C has published an initial Public Working Draft for XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Full-Text. Created as a joint specification by the W3C XML Query Working Group and the XSL Working Group as part of the XML Activity, the new draft specification defines a language that extends XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 with full-text search capabilities.

As defined by the draft, "full-text queries are performed on text which has been tokenized, i.e., broken into a sequence of words, units of punctuation, and spaces." New full-text search facility is implemented by extending the XQuery and XPath languages to support a new "FTContainsExpr" expression and a new "ft:score" function.

Expressions of the type FTSelection are composed of:(1) words or combinations of words that are the search strings to be found as matches; (2) Match options such as case sensitivity or an indication to use stop words; (3) Boolean operators that allow composition of an FTSelection from simpler FTSelections; (4) Positional constraints such as indication of match distance or window.

The new Full-Text Working Draft endeavors to meet search requirements specified in an updated companion draft XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Full-Text Use Cases. This document provides use cases designed to "illustrate important applications of full-text querying within an XML query language. Each use case exercises a specific functionality relevant to full-text querying. An XML Schema and sample input data are provided; each use case specifies a query applied to the input data, a solution in XQuery, a solution in XPath (when possible), and the expected results."

Commenting on the significance of the new XML standard, Carlo Innocenti, Stylus Studio's senior product architect said: "The addition of full-text searching to XQuery and XPath further emphasizes the powerful and essential nature of XML technologies as the solution for standards-based integration of both data and structured information. Stylus Studio is committed to providing the leading XML tools to support all aspects of XML-based software development using these XML based query languages.

About Stylus Studio

Stylus Studio is the world's leading XML IDE, that includes comprehensive XML development tools for official W3C technologies, including XML, XHTML, XSLT, XML Schema, DTD, XSLT, XQuery, XPath, WSDL, and all other critical Web architecture technologies. Stylus Studio is available immediately for a free 30-day trial download Stylus Studio is also available for online purchase, starting at $395 (US) for a single user license.

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