Learn XML Grid View: Stylus Studio® XML Grid View Video Demonstration

Play this video demonstration now and see how easy it is to navigate, edit and manipulate tabular structures (such as relational tables) in XML documents. The XML grid view is a powerful new synchronized XML editor that is more productive in many common XML editing scenarios.

XML Grid View (click to enlarge)

Using The Stylus Studio® XML Grid View Editor covers:

  • Editing and modifying structured XML files using Grid View
  • Expanding and Collapsing XML document trees in Grid View
  • Understanding XML elements and Attributes as rendered by Grid View
  • Understanding Columns, and nested XML tables in Grid View
  • Performing common editing operations including insert, delete, rename, add nested e, sort and move XML data.
  • Customizing the Grid View's XML editing view by toggling tag row names.
  • Switching between Stylus Studio®'s various synchronized XML editors, including the XML text editing and XML tree editing views.


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