Return to Stylus Studio EDIFACT home page. Return to Stylus Studio EDIFACT D99B Messages page. Forwarding and consolidation summary message
0. INTRODUCTIONThis specification provides the definition of the Forwarding and consolidation summary message (IFCSUM) to be used in Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) between trading partners involved in administration, commerce and transport. 1. SCOPE1.1. | Functional DefinitionA message to be used for consolidation purposes from a party arranging forwarding and transport services to the party for which the transport of the consolidated cargo is destined. The message can be used to exchange information concerning the consolidated cargo between forwarders, carriers and agents enabling those parties to handle the consignments included in this consolidation. In addition it can be used for a collection of consignments originating from one shipper for forwarding and transport services. In addition it can be used for an advice of insurance related to a consolidation of consignments if the insured is the party arranging forwarding and transport services. 1.2. Field of ApplicationThe Forwarding and consolidation summary message may be used for both national and international applications. It is based on universal practice related to administration, commerce and transport, and is not dependent on the type of business or industry. 1.3. | PrinciplesThe IFCSUM message is a functionality in its own right, distinguishable from the transport booking and instruction messages. IFCSUM focuses on separate business areas in transport where the view on the operations is transport means or equipment oriented rather than consignment oriented. These business areas do not concentrate on concepts like booking or instruction. The IFCSUM provides currently merely a statement for a means of transport or equipment and their summary type information regarding the consignment carried. The IFCSUM message also provides a means to incorporate the control and auditability information needed for the receiver of the message to perform the operation to be carried out. IFCSUM is foreseen to be used:
and stripping of consignments in containers)
The message provides information concerning cargo carried on a voyage specifying details regarding carrier, mode of transport, means of transport, equipment and the necessary details of the consignments included in the consolidated cargo. Under given circumstances a cargo manifest can be obtained through the use of the IFCSUM. For example, a IFCSUM message can be used in groupage traffic, where it may correspond to a loading list indicating the consignments that have been loaded on a truck. There is a need for FUNCTIONAL SUBSETS to be derived from the message, for example:
There is a need for INTRAMODAL SUBSETS to be transmitted between partners of the same mode of transport (e.g. railway to railway in different countries, deep-sea-carrier to deep- sea carrier, freight forwarder to freight forwarder etc.). There is another need for INTERMODAL SUBSETS to be transmitted between partners in a multimodal transport (e.g. freight forwarder to trucker, trucker to railway, railway to port authority, port authority to carrier's agent, carrier's agent to carrier etc.).
For insurance purposes the message can be used by the carrier to inform the insurer and/or the insurance intermediary about a consolidation of consignments. A number of generic transport terms are used in this specification, to be described as:
2. REFERENCESSee UNTDID, Part 4, Chapter 2.3 UN/ECE UNSM - General Introduction, Section 1. 3. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS3.1. Standard terms and definitionsSee UNTDID, Part 4, Chapter 2.3 UN/ECE UNSM - General Introduction, Section 2. 4. MESSAGE DEFINITION4.1. Segment ClarificationThis section should be read in conjunction with the segment table which indicates mandatory, conditional and repeating requirements. 0010 UNH, Message headerA service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Forwarding and consolidation summary message is IFCSUM. Note: Forwarding and consolidation summary messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009:
0020 BGM, Beginning of messageA segment to indicate the beginning of the message and to transmit identifying number (e.g. Master B/L, Master AWB etc.), type, date and the function of the message. 0030 DTM, Date/time/periodA segment to specify date/time of the document/message. 0040 MOA, Monetary amountA segment to specify a monetary total associated to the whole consolidation. 0050 FTX, Free textA segment to give information and/or processable instructions in addition to that in other segments. 0060 CNT, Control totalA segment to specify totals of the consolidation (e.g. total number of equipment, total number of consignments, total gross weight and/or dimensions of the whole consolidation etc.). 0070 + PCD, Percentage detailsA segment to indicate a percentage for the entire consolidation, e.g. the percentage of the total sum insured that is certified by the message. 0080 + GDS, Nature of cargoA segment to describe the nature of cargo. 0090 Segment Group 1: RFF-DTMA group of segments containing references and constants which apply to the entire message. 0100 RFF, ReferenceA segment to express a reference which applies to the entire message. 0110 DTM, Date/time/periodA segment to indicate date and time relating to the reference. 0120 Segment Group 2: GOR-DTM-LOC-SEL-FTX-SG3A group of segments to give information about the current customs procedure under which the transport is moving or to indicate applicable governmental procedures related to import, export and transit of the voyage/flight or consolidation. 0130 GOR, Governmental requirementsA segment to give information about the current customs procedure under which the transport is moving or to indicate applicable governmental procedures to import, export and transit of the voyage/flight or consolidation. 0140 DTM, Date/time/periodA segment to indicate date(s) and time(s) related to documents and/ or customs- and/or governmental procedures (e.g. date of issuing of customs document, expiration date of customs document etc.). 0150 LOC, Place/location identificationA segment to specify locations associated with customs-and/or governmental-procedures (e.g. customs office of exit, customs office of destination etc.). 0160 SEL, Seal numberA segment to identify seals and seal issuer associated with the customs procedure and/or customs document specified in this segment group. 0170 FTX, Free textA segment to specify additional governmental requirements information. 0180 Segment Group 3: DOC-DTMA group of segments to indicate document(s) required. 0190 DOC, Document/message detailsA segment to indicate document(s) required by government or related to a specified customs- and/or other governmental procedure and/or accompanying goods. 0200 DTM, Date/time/periodA segment to specify a date/time related to the indicated document. 0210 Segment Group 4: NAD-SG5-SG6A group of segments to identify a party and related contacts and references. 0220 NAD, Name and addressA segment to identify the party's name, address and function. 0230 Segment Group 5: CTA-COMA group of segments to identify a contact and its communications related to the party. 0240 CTA, Contact informationA segment to identify a person or department within the party. 0250 COM, Communication contactA segment to identify a communication number of a person or department to whom communication should be directed. 0260 Segment Group 6: RFF-DTMA group of segments to specify a reference related to the party, and its associated dates and/or times. 0270 RFF, ReferenceA segment to specify a reference related to the party. 0280 DTM, Date/time/periodA segment to indicate date and/or time associated to the reference. 0290 Segment Group 7: TCC-CUX-PRI-EQN-PCD-MOA-QTY-LOCA group of segments to specify charges associated with the transport of the consolidation. 0300 TCC, Transport charge/rate calculationsA segment to specify a charge. 0310 CUX, CurrenciesA segment to specify currency details related to the freight. 0320 PRI, Price detailsA segment to specify price details such as price (e.g. 100 dollar) and unit price basis (e.g. per 1000 kilogram). 0330 EQN, Number of unitsA segment to specify the number of units to which the unit price basis applies. 0340 PCD, Percentage detailsA segment to indicate the applicable reduction or surcharge percentage details. 0350 MOA, Monetary amountA segment to specify an amount associated with the charges and/or related to the transport of the consolidation. 0360 QTY, QuantityA segment to indicate a quantity, for example actual weight, declared weight or chargeable weight. 0370 LOC, Place/location identificationA segment to indicate locations related to a charge (e.g. beginning and/or end of a chargeable section). 0380 Segment Group 8: ICD-DTM-FTXA group of segments to specify insurance cover for the consolidation of consignments. 0390 + ICD, Insurance cover descriptionA segment to specify an insurance cover. 0400 + DTM, Date/time/periodA segment to indicate the release date of the terms and conditions of insurance cover. 0410 + FTX, Free textA segment to specify special covers or provide cover extensions or restrictions. 0420 Segment Group 9: TDT-DTM-TSR-SG10-SEL-FTX-SG11-SG12-SG13-SG14-SG15-SG16 A group of segments to describe all transport details of the voyage/flight or consolidation and of all parties involved. 0430 TDT, Details of transportA segment to indicate information related to a certain stage of the transport, such as mode, means, type of means of transport, carrier, voyage/flight number, etc. 0440 + DTM, Date/time/periodA segment to indicate date(s) and time(s) related to the transport stage. 0450 TSR, Transport service requirementsA segment to identify contract, conditions of carriage, services and priority requirements for this stage of the transport of the consolidation. 0460 Segment Group 10: LOC-DTMA group of segments identifying the relevant locations as well as date(s) and time(s) related to the transport stage. 0470 | LOC, Place/location identificationA segment to indicate locations such as place of loading and place of discharge. 0480 | DTM, Date/time/periodA segment to specify date(s) and time(s) related to a location, such as arrival date and time of a means of transport at the specified location. 0490 SEL, Seal numberA segment to identify seals and seal issuer associated with the means of transport in the transport stage. 0500 FTX, Free textA segment to specify processable instructions regarding mode, means of transport, transhipment, unloading, direct delivery, new documentation etc. related to the specified transport stage. 0510 Segment Group 11: MEA-EQNA group of segments indicating relevant weights. 0520 MEA, MeasurementsA segment indicating relevant weights of the means of transport used in the specified transport stage. 0530 EQN, Number of unitsA segment indicating the number of transportable units related to the information in the segment MEA. 0540 Segment Group 12: DIM-EQNA group of segments indicating relevant dimensions. 0550 DIM, DimensionsA segment indicating relevant dimensions of the means of transport used in the specified transport stage. 0560 EQN, Number of unitsA segment indicating the number of transportable units related to the information in the segment DIM. 0570 Segment Group 13: CTA-COMA group of segments to indicate relevant contacts. 0580 CTA, Contact informationA segment to identify a relevant department and/or person related to the carrier specified in the segment TDT. 0590 COM, Communication contactA segment indicating the communication channel and the relevant communication number of the department or persons. 0600 Segment Group 14: TCC-MOA-PCDA group of segments to specify charges (e.g. insurance premium) associated to this stage of the transport. 0610 + TCC, Transport charge/rate calculationsA segment to specify the type of charge, e.g. insurance premium. 0620 + MOA, Monetary amountA segment to specify an amount associated with the charge, e.g. insurance premium amount. 0630 + PCD, Percentage detailsA segment to specify a percentage associated with the charge, such as insurance premium rate. 0640 Segment Group 15: ICD-DTM-FTXA group of segments to specify insurance cover for this stage of the transport. 0650 + ICD, Insurance cover descriptionA segment to specify an insurance cover. 0660 + DTM, Date/time/periodA segment to indicate the release date of the terms and conditions of insurance cover. 0670 + FTX, Free textA segment to specify special covers or provide cover extensions or restrictions. 0680 Segment Group 16: NAD-LOC-SG17-SG18-SG19-SG20A group of segments to specify the parties related to the specified transport stage. 0690 NAD, Name and addressA segment to specify the names and addresses of the parties which are loading, sending, consolidating, unloading, acting as transhipment agent, break bulk agent, etc. related to the specified transport stage. 0700 LOC, Place/location identificationA segment to indicate any location relevant to the party specified in the segment NAD. 0710 Segment Group 17: CTA-COMA group of segments to indicate contacts related to the party. 0720 CTA, Contact informationA segment to identify a relevant department and/or person related to the party specified in the segment NAD. 0730 COM, Communication contactA segment indicating the communication channel and the relevant communication number of the department or persons mentioned in segment CTA. 0740 Segment Group 18: DOC-DTMA group of segments to specify a document related to the party. 0750 DOC, Document/message detailsA segment to identify a document required or accompanying goods of, by, or for the party specified in the segment NAD. 0760 DTM, Date/time/periodA segment to indicate a date/time related to the required document. 0770 Segment Group 19: TCC-CUX-PRI-EQN-PCD-MOA-QTYA group of segments to specify charges associated with the party. 0780 TCC, Transport charge/rate calculationsA segment to specify a charge associated with the party. 0790 CUX, CurrenciesA segment to specify currency details related to the freight. 0800 PRI, Price detailsA segment to specify price details such as price (e.g. 100 dollar) and unit price basis (e.g. per 1000 kilogram). 0810 EQN, Number of unitsA segment to specify the number of units to which the unit price basis applies. 0820 PCD, Percentage detailsA segment to indicate the applicable reduction or surcharge percentage details. 0830 MOA, Monetary amountA segment to specify an amount associated with the charges and/or related to the transport of the consolidation. 0840 QTY, QuantityA segment to indicate a quantity, for example actual weight, declared weight or chargeable weight. 0850 Segment Group 20: RFF-DTMA group of segments to specify a reference related to the party, and its associated dates and/or times. 0860 RFF, ReferenceA segment to specify a reference related to the party. 0870 DTM, Date/time/periodA segment to specify a date and/or time associated with the reference. 0880 Segment Group 21: EQD-EQN-TPL-TMD-MEA-DIM-SEL-NAD-LOC-HAN-TMP-FTX-RFF-PCD-SG22-SG23 A group of segments to specify equipment in which consignments are transported (e.g. trailer, railway wagon, ULD, etc.). This segment group WILL NOT be used in the deep sea context. This is because EQD in this context is used to define an extended transport such as a trailer attached to a truck, containers attached to a trailer etc. Containers in the deep sea context ARE NOT part of an extended definition of transport but are considered as integral with the consignment and are thus described at the consignment level. 0890 EQD, Equipment detailsA segment to specify equipment, and equipment size and type used for the transport of the consolidation. 0900 EQN, Number of unitsA segment to specify the number of pieces of equipment of the same size and type if the equipment number in the segment EQD is not specified (Composite C237). 0910 TPL, Transport placementA segment to identify transport details for the equipment. 0920 TMD, Transport movement detailsA segment to specify transport movement details for the equipment named in segment EQD. 0930 MEA, MeasurementsA segment to specify weights associated with the equipment named in segment EQD which are not indicated in the segment EQD. 0940 DIM, DimensionsA segment to specify dimensions associated with the equipment named in segment EQD which are not indicated in the segment EQD. 0950 SEL, Seal numberA segment to specify seals and seal issuer associated with the equipment named in segment EQD. 0960 NAD, Name and addressA segment to specify parties associated with the equipment named in segment EQD (e.g. owner of the equipment, party to which the empty equipment has to be delivered etc.). 0970 LOC, Place/location identificationA segment to specify locations associated with the party and/or the equipment. 0980 HAN, Handling instructionsA segment to specify handling instructions for specified equipment. 0990 TMP, TemperatureA segment to specify a temperature setting for the equipment. 1000 FTX, Free textA segment to specify processable instructions associated with the equipment named in segment EQD (e.g. instructions related to the delivery of the empty equipment after unloading of the consignments etc.). 1010 RFF, ReferenceA segment to specify a reference number to equipment. 1020 PCD, Percentage detailsA segment to specify percentages related to the equipment such as percentage humidity. 1030 Segment Group 22: EQA-EQNA group of segments to identify attached or related equipment. 1040 EQA, Attached equipmentA segment to identify attached and/or related equipment such as chassis attached to a container. 1050 EQN, Number of unitsA segment to specify the number of pieces of equipment named in the segment EQA attached to the equipment named in the segment EQD. 1060 Segment Group 23: DGS-FTX-SG24A group of segments to specify dangerous goods. 1070 + DGS, Dangerous goodsA segment to indicate the dangerous goods regulations which apply, the class of the dangerous goods, additional dangerous goods codes, the United Nations Dangerous Goods (UNDG) number and the shipment flash point. 1080 + FTX, Free textA segment to specify supplementary details regarding the dangerous goods such as dangerous goods technical name and other additional information. 1090 Segment Group 24: CTA-COMA group of segments to specify contact information. 1100 + CTA, Contact informationA segment to identify a person or department to be contacted regarding dangerous goods. 1110 + COM, Communication contactA segment to specify communication details of the dangerous goods contact. 1120 Segment Group 25: CNI-SG26-SG28-CTA-COM-DTM-CNT-TSR-CUX-PCD-MOA-FTX-GDS-SG30-SG31-SG32-SG33-SG35-SG36- SG37-SG38-SG43-SG50-SG70 A segment group to give information about all consignments included in a voyage/flight or consolidation. The segment group can be used in two different manners to serve different approaches to consolidate messages: - Short form consolidation message In this situation, single consignment based functional messages (e.g. booking and/or instruction messages) have been sent on a progressive basis between exchanging partners (e.g. freight forwarder on the export side to freight forwarder on the import side). When the loading of the vessel/aircraft or consolidation is complete the IFCSUM-message will be sent and will use the CNI- segments to identify the transport document/message number (e.g. bill of lading, air-way bill, etc.) of every consignment, the details of which have already been sent as separate single consignment based messages (e.g. booking and/or instruction messages) or which will be sent as separate single consignment based messages following the IFCSUM-message using the option of grouping with the UNG-service-segment in a transmission. When the carrier himself loads consignments in a container or ULD the segment SGP and/or TPL following the CNI can be used to indicate in which equipment specified in the EQD-group on top level and/or which means of transport specified in the TDT- group on top level the consignment is loaded. Thus the short form IFCSUM-message operates as a reconciliation and control statement. - Extended form consolidation message In this situation, the data for each individual consignment has NOT been sent to the receiving partner by means of single consignment based messages (e.g. booking and/or instruction messages) separate to the IFCSUM message. In these circumstances it is possible to include the details of each consignment into the IFCSUM-message. In that case the segment (group) SGP and TPL following the segment CNI will not be used. For every consignment the complete structure of a single consignment based message can be used starting with the segment CNI replacing the BGM. Thus the extended form IFCSUM-message has not the function of referencing but to show as full a set of consignment data as is necessary to meet the requirements of type of consolidation message being constructed, e.g. Cargo vs. Full Freight. 1130 CNI, Consignment informationA segment to indicate consignments included in the consolidation using the transport document/message number or to replace the segment BGM of a single consignment based message structure. 1140 Segment Group 26: SGP-SG27A group of segments to specify the distribution of a consignment among the transport equipment. 1150 SGP, Split goods placementA segment to identify the equipment in which a consignment is loaded. 1160 Segment Group 27: MEA-EQNA group of segments to identify measurements. 1170 MEA, MeasurementsA segment to specify measurements of that portion of the consignment in the equipment. 1180 EQN, Number of unitsA segment to specify the number of equipment units to each of which the given measurement applies. 1190 Segment Group 28: TPL-SG29A group of segments to identify transport details and associated measurements for this consignment. This group may be repeated to indicate the different phases of the movement. 1200 TPL, Transport placementA segment to identify transport details for the consignment. 1210 Segment Group 29: MEA-EQNA group of segments to identify measurements. 1220 MEA, MeasurementsA segment to specify the distribution of the consignment among the transport details. 1230 EQN, Number of unitsA segment to specify the number of equipment units to each of which the given measurement applies. 1240 CTA, Contact informationA segment to identify a person or department to whom communication should be directed. 1250 COM, Communication contactA segment to identify a communication number of a person or department to whom communication should be directed. 1260 DTM, Date/time/periodA segment to indicate a date and time applying to the whole consignment, e.g., date and time of document issue. 1270 CNT, Control totalA segment to specify totals for a consignment. 1280 TSR, Transport service requirementsA segment to identify the contract, conditions of carriage, services, and priority requirements for the transport. 1290 CUX, CurrenciesA segment to indicate default currencies and exchange rates. 1300 + PCD, Percentage detailsA segment to indicate a percentage for the consignment, e.g. the percentage of the total sum insured that is certfied by this consignment group. 1310 MOA, Monetary amountA segment to indicate a monetary value for entire consignment, e.g. insured value, invoice amount, disbursements, etc. 1320 FTX, Free textA segment to specify free form or processable supplementary information, such as status of transport, remarks to be printed on the transport documents (where required), consignment remarks, insurance instructions, etc., or any other additional information. 1330 + GDS, Nature of cargoA segment to describe the nature of cargo. 1340 Segment Group 30: LOC-DTMA group of segments to specify locations and related date(s)/time(s) which apply to the entire consignment, e.g. place of transhipment. 1350 LOC, Place/location identificationA segment to identify a location applying to the entire consignment. 1360 DTM, Date/time/periodA segment to indicate date(s) and time(s) relating to the location. 1370 Segment Group 31: TOD-LOCA group of segments to specify terms of delivery and related locations. 1380 TOD, Terms of delivery or transportA segment to specify the applicable terms of delivery. 1390 LOC, Place/location identificationA segment to specify a location related to the terms of delivery. 1400 Segment Group 32: RFF-DTMA group of segments containing a reference and constants which apply to the entire consignment. 1410 RFF, ReferenceA segment to express a reference which applies to the entire consignment such as: the document/message number that is to be updated by this very message (according to data element 1225 Message function code in segment BGM), booking reference, order number, insurance contract, etc. 1420 DTM, Date/time/periodA segment to indicate date and time relating to the reference. 1430 Segment Group 33: GOR-DTM-LOC-SEL-FTX-SG34A group of segments to identify customs and other governmental procedures and required documents. 1440 GOR, Governmental requirementsA segment to indicate applicable governmental procedures related to import, export and transport of the goods. 1450 DTM, Date/time/periodA segment to indicate date and time related to documents and/or customs- and/or governmental procedures for the consignment (e.g. date of issuing of customs document, expiration date of customs document etc.). 1460 LOC, Place/location identificationA segment to specify locations associated with customs-and/or governmental procedures for this consignment (e.g. customs office of exit, customs office of destination etc.). 1470 SEL, Seal numberA segment to identify seals and seal issuer associated with the customs procedure and/or customs document for this consignment. 1480 FTX, Free textA segment to provide supplementary governmental requirements information for this consignment. 1490 Segment Group 34: DOC-DTMA group of segments to specify required documents by government. 1500 DOC, Document/message detailsA segment to indicate a document required by government. 1510 DTM, Date/time/periodA segment to specify the date/time related to the required document. 1520 Segment Group 35: CPI-RFF-CUX-LOC-MOAA group of segments to indicate charge methodology which applies to the entire consignment. 1530 CPI, Charge payment instructionsA segment to indicate default charge methodology. 1540 RFF, ReferenceA segment to indicate a reference relating to the CPI segment, such as charge reference number. 1550 CUX, CurrenciesA segment to specify the payment currency related to the charge methodology. 1560 LOC, Place/location identificationA segment to identify the place of charge collection. 1570 MOA, Monetary amountA segment to identify the monetary amount associated with the charges. 1580 Segment Group 36: TCC-LOC-FTX-CUX-PRI-EQN-PCD-MOA-QTYA group of segments to specify charge calculations associated with the transport. 1590 TCC, Transport charge/rate calculationsA segment to specify charge. 1600 LOC, Place/location identificationA segment to indicate a location. 1610 FTX, Free textA segment to specify processable supplementary information associated with charge. 1620 CUX, CurrenciesA segment to specify currencies associated with charge. 1630 PRI, Price detailsA segment to specify price details such as price (e.g. 100 dollar) and unit price basis (e.g. per 1000 kilograms). 1640 EQN, Number of unitsA segment to specify the number of units to which the unit price basis applies. 1650 PCD, Percentage detailsA segment to indicate the applicable reduction or surcharge percentage details. 1660 MOA, Monetary amountA segment to specify a monetary amount, such as prepaid amount, discount or total amount. 1670 QTY, QuantityA segment to indicate a quantity, for example actual weight, declared weight or chargeable weight. 1680 Segment Group 37: ICD-DTM-FTXA group of segments to specify insurance cover for this consignment. 1690 + ICD, Insurance cover descriptionA segment to specify an insurance cover. 1700 + DTM, Date/time/periodA segment to indicate the release date of the terms and conditions of insurance cover. 1710 + FTX, Free textA segment to specify special covers or provide cover extensions or restrictions. 1720 Segment Group 38: TDT-DTM-TSR-SG39-SG40-SG41-SG42A group of segments to indicate details of the movement of goods such as mode and means of transport, locations, departure, and arrival date(s) and time(s). 1730 TDT, Details of transportA segment to indicate information related to a certain stage of the transport, such as mode, means and carrier. 1740 DTM, Date/time/periodA segment to indicate departure/arrival date and time. 1750 TSR, Transport service requirementsA segment to identify contract, conditions of carriage, services, priority requirements for this stage of transport. 1760 Segment Group 39: LOC-DTMA group of segments to specify a location and date/time related to this leg of transport. 1770 LOC, Place/location identificationA segment to indicate a location such as origin, destination, stop off, etc. related to this leg of transport. 1780 DTM, Date/time/periodA segment to specify a date/time related to the location, such as arrival date/time of a means of transport at a specific location. 1790 Segment Group 40: RFF-DTMA group of segments to specify an additional reference related to the stage of the transport. 1800 RFF, ReferenceA segment to specify an additional reference. 1810 DTM, Date/time/periodA segment to identify date and time relating to the reference. 1820 Segment Group 41: TCC-MOA-PCDA group of segments to specify charges (e.g. insurance premium) associated to this stage of the transport. 1830 + TCC, Transport charge/rate calculationsA segment to specify the type of charge, e.g. insurance premium. 1840 + MOA, Monetary amountA segment to specify an amount associated with the charge, e.g. insurance premium amount. 1850 + PCD, Percentage detailsA segment to specify a percentage associated with the charge, such as insurance premium rate. 1860 Segment Group 42: ICD-DTM-FTXA group of segments to specify insurance cover for this stage of the consignment transport. 1870 + ICD, Insurance cover descriptionA segment to specify an insurance cover. 1880 + DTM, Date/time/periodA segment to indicate the release date of the terms and conditions of insurance cover. 1890 + FTX, Free textA segment to specify special covers or provide cover extensions or restrictions. 1900 Segment Group 43: NAD-LOC-MOA-SG44-SG45-SG46-SG47-SG48-SG49A group of segments to identify a party, related references, locations contacts, required documents, and charges to be paid by the party. 1910 NAD, Name and addressA segment to identify the party's name, address, and function. 1920 LOC, Place/location identificationA segment to indicate location where a specific function will be performed. 1930 MOA, Monetary amountA segment to identify the monetary amount associated with the party. 1940 Segment Group 44: CTA-COMA group of segments identifying a contact and its communications related to the party. 1950 CTA, Contact informationA segment to identify a person or department within a party. 1960 COM, Communication contactA segment to identify a communication number of a person or department to whom communication should be directed. 1970 Segment Group 45: DOC-DTMA group of segments to identify required documents. 1980 DOC, Document/message detailsA segment to identify a document required of, by or for the party. 1990 DTM, Date/time/periodA segment to identify date and time relating to the reference. 2000 Segment Group 46: TCC-CUX-PRI-EQN-PCD-MOA-QTYA group of segments to specify charges associated with the party. 2010 TCC, Transport charge/rate calculationsA segment to specify charges associated with the party. 2020 CUX, CurrenciesA segment to specify currency details related to the freight. 2030 PRI, Price detailsA segment to specify price details such as price (e.g. 100 dollar) and unit price basis (e.g. per 1000 kilograms). 2040 EQN, Number of unitsA segment to specify the number of units to which the unit price basis applies. 2050 PCD, Percentage detailsA segment to indicate the applicable reduction or surcharge percentage details. 2060 MOA, Monetary amountA segment to specify a monetary amount, such as prepaid amount, discount or total amount. 2070 QTY, QuantityA segment to indicate a quantity, for example actual weight, declared weight or chargeable weight. 2080 Segment Group 47: RFF-DTMA group of segments to specify a reference related to the party. 2090 RFF, ReferenceA segment to identify a reference used by a party. 2100 DTM, Date/time/periodA segment to indicate date and time relating to the reference. 2110 Segment Group 48: CPI-RFF-CUX-LOC-MOAA group of segments to identify the charge and its amount to be paid by the party. 2120 CPI, Charge payment instructionsA segment to identify default charge methodology. 2130 RFF, ReferenceA segment to indicate a reference relating to the CPI segment, such as charge reference number. 2140 CUX, CurrenciesA segment to indicate payment currency related to the charge methodology. 2150 LOC, Place/location identificationA segment to identify the place of charge collection. 2160 MOA, Monetary amountA segment to identify the monetary amount associated with the charges. 2170 Segment Group 49: TSR-RFF-LOC-TPL-FTXA group of segments to specify a transport service requirement and its associated details (such as applicable commercial agreement) related to the party. 2180 TSR, Transport service requirementsA segment to specify a required service for the transport, such as re-icing. 2190 RFF, ReferenceA segment to identify a commercial agreement related to the service requirement. 2200 LOC, Place/location identificationA segment to indicate the location where the required service must be performed, such as place of re-icing. 2210 TPL, Transport placementA segment to indicate the location where the required service must be performed, such as place of re-icing. 2220 FTX, Free textA segment to provide any additional information related to the service requirement. 2230 Segment Group 50: GID-HAN-TMP-RNG-TMD-LOC-MOA-PIA-GIN-FTX-SG51-GDS-SG52-SG53-SG54-SG55-SG56-SG57- SG59-SG61-SG63-SG64-SG65 A group of segments to describe the goods items for which transport is undertaken. 2240 GID, Goods item detailsA segment to identify a goods item for which transport is undertaken. A goods item can be identified by up to three levels of packaging. 2250 HAN, Handling instructionsA segment to specify handling instructions relating to the goods item. 2260 TMP, TemperatureA segment to specify a temperature setting for a goods item. 2270 RNG, Range detailsA segment to specify a temperature range setting for a goods item. 2280 TMD, Transport movement detailsA segment to specify transport movement details for a goods item. 2290 LOC, Place/location identificationA segment to specify a country associated with a goods item, such as country of origin, or country of destination. 2300 MOA, Monetary amountA segment to specify a monetary amount associated with a goods item, such as declared value, FOB value, etc. 2310 PIA, Additional product idA segment to specify article numbers. 2320 GIN, Goods identity numberA segment providing the identity of goods being transported. 2330 FTX, Free textA segment to specify processable supplementary information relating to the goods item. 2340 Segment Group 51: NAD-DTMA group of segments to identify different places of collection and/or delivery for the goods item. 2350 NAD, Name and addressA segment to specify an address of a place of collection or delivery for a goods item. 2360 DTM, Date/time/periodA segment to indicate date and time relating to the place of collection or delivery. 2370 GDS, Nature of cargoA segment to describe the nature of cargo. 2380 Segment Group 52: MEA-EQNA group of segments to specify measurements applicable to a goods item. 2390 MEA, MeasurementsA segment to specify measurements, other than dimensions, applicable to a goods item. 2400 EQN, Number of unitsA segment to specify the number of equipment units to each of which the given measurement applies. 2410 Segment Group 53: DIM-EQNA group of segments to specify dimensions applicable to a goods item. 2420 DIM, DimensionsTo specify dimensions applicable to a goods item. 2430 EQN, Number of unitsA segment to specify the number of equipment units to each of which the given dimension applies. 2440 Segment Group 54: RFF-DTMA group of segments to identify references to a goods item. 2450 RFF, ReferenceA segment to identify a reference to a goods item. 2460 DTM, Date/time/periodA segment to indicate date and time relating to the reference. 2470 Segment Group 55: PCI-RFF-DTM-GIN-MEA-DIMA group of segments to specify marks and numbers of a goods item. 2480 PCI, Package identificationA segment to specify marks and numbers of a good item. 2490 RFF, ReferenceA segment to identify a reference relating to the marks and numbers. 2500 DTM, Date/time/periodA segment to identify date and time of the reference. 2510 GIN, Goods identity numberA segment to specify identifying numbers related to transport units, such as batch numbers, serial numbers, etc. 2520 + MEA, MeasurementsA segment to specify measurements, other than dimensions, applicable to a package. 2530 DIM, DimensionsA segment to specify dimensions applicable to a specific package. 2540 Segment Group 56: DOC-DTMA group of segments to specify documents and associated date(s) and time(s) for a goods item. 2550 DOC, Document/message detailsA segment to specify a document prepared for a goods item. 2560 DTM, Date/time/periodA segment to associate date and time with the prepared document. 2570 Segment Group 57: GOR-DTM-LOC-SEL-FTX-SG58A group of segments to identify customs and other governmental procedures and required documents relating to the goods item. 2580 GOR, Governmental requirementsA segment to indicate applicable governmental procedures related to import, export and transport of the goods item. 2590 DTM, Date/time/periodA segment to indicate date and time related to documents and/or customs- and/or governmental procedures for the goods item. 2600 LOC, Place/location identificationA segment to specify locations associated with customs- and/or governmental procedures. 2610 SEL, Seal numberA segment to identify seals and seal issuer associated with the customs procedure and/or customs document for the goods item. 2620 FTX, Free textA segment to provide additional governmental requirements information for the goods item. 2630 Segment Group 58: DOC-DTMA group of segments to specify required documents by government for the goods item. 2640 DOC, Document/message detailsA segment to indicate a document required by government. 2650 DTM, Date/time/periodA segment to specify the date/time related to the required document. 2660 Segment Group 59: TPL-SG60A group of segments to identify transport details and associated measurements for a goods item. This group may be repeated to indicate the different phases of the movement. 2670 TPL, Transport placementA segment to identify transport details for a goods item. 2680 Segment Group 60: MEA-EQNA group of segments to identify measurements. 2690 MEA, MeasurementsA segment to specify the distribution of a goods item among the transport details. 2700 EQN, Number of unitsA segment to specify the number of equipment units to each of which the given measurement applies. 2710 Segment Group 61: SGP-SEQ-SG62A group of segments to specify the distribution of a goods item among the transport equipment. 2720 SGP, Split goods placementA segment to identify the equipment in which goods are transported. 2730 SEQ, Sequence detailsA segment to indicate the order in which cargo is stowed in a container by use of a sequence number. The lowest number indicates stowage in the front of the container with higher numbers indicating that the cargo is stowed more toward the rear door. 2740 Segment Group 62: MEA-EQNA group of segments to identify measurements. 2750 MEA, MeasurementsA segment to specify measurements of that portion of the goods item in the equipment. 2760 EQN, Number of unitsA segment to specify the number of equipment units to each of which the given measurement applies. 2770 Segment Group 63: TCC-CUX-PRI-EQN-PCD-MOA-QTY-LOCA group of segments to specify charge associated with the goods item. 2780 TCC, Transport charge/rate calculationsA segment to specify charge associated with the goods item. 2790 CUX, CurrenciesA segment to specify the currency associated with a freight charge. 2800 PRI, Price detailsA segment to specify price details such as price (e.g. 100 dollar) and unit price basis (e.g. per 1000 kilograms). 2810 EQN, Number of unitsA segment to specify the number of units to which the unit price basis applies. 2820 PCD, Percentage detailsA segment to indicate the applicable reduction or surcharge percentage details. 2830 MOA, Monetary amountA segment to specify a monetary amount, such as prepaid amount, discount or total amount. 2840 QTY, QuantityA segment to indicate a quantity, for example actual weight, declared weight or chargeable weight. 2850 LOC, Place/location identificationA segment to indicate location where a specific function will be performed. 2860 Segment Group 64: ICD-DTM-FTXA group of segments to specify insurance cover related to the goods item. 2870 + ICD, Insurance cover descriptionA segment to specify an insurance cover. 2880 + DTM, Date/time/periodA segment to indicate the release date of the terms and conditions of insurance cover. 2890 + FTX, Free textA segment to specify special covers or provide cover extensions or restrictions. 2900 Segment Group 65: DGS-FTX-SG66-SG67-SG68A group of segments to specify dangerous goods details related to the goods item. One goods item may be in different dangerous goods classes. 2910 DGS, Dangerous goodsA segment to indicate the class of dangerous goods, packing group, etc. 2920 FTX, Free textA segment to specify the dangerous goods technical name and to specify any additional dangerous goods information. 2930 Segment Group 66: CTA-COMA group of segments to identify a contact to whom communication regarding the dangerous goods can be directed. 2940 CTA, Contact informationA segment to identify a person or department. 2950 COM, Communication contactA segment to identify a communication number of a person or department. 2960 Segment Group 67: MEA-EQNA group of segments to identify dangerous goods measurements. 2970 MEA, MeasurementsA segment to specify measurements of the dangerous goods. 2980 EQN, Number of unitsA segment to specify the number of equipment units to each of which the given measurement applies. 2990 Segment Group 68: SGP-SG69A group of segments to specify the distribution of the dangerous goods among the transport equipment. 3000 SGP, Split goods placementA segment to identify the equipment in which the dangerous goods are transported. 3010 Segment Group 69: MEA-EQNA group of segments to identify dangerous goods measurements. 3020 MEA, MeasurementsA segment to specify measurements of that portion of the dangerous goods in the equipment. 3030 EQN, Number of unitsA segment to specify the number of equipment units to each of which the given measurement applies. 3040 Segment Group 70: EQD-EQN-TMD-MEA-DIM-SEL-TPL-HAN-TMP-FTX-PCD-SG71-SG72-SG73-SG74 A group of segments to specify equipment in which goods are 3050 EQD, Equipment detailsA segment to specify equipment, and equipment size and type used in the transport. 3060 EQN, Number of unitsA segment to specify number of pieces of equipment required. 3070 TMD, Transport movement detailsA segment to specify transport movement details for the equipment. 3080 MEA, MeasurementsA segment to specify measurements, other than dimensions, associated with the equipment, such as weight. 3090 DIM, DimensionsA segment to specify dimensions applicable to equipment. 3100 SEL, Seal numberA segment to identify seal and seal issuer associated with the equipment. 3110 TPL, Transport placementA segment to identify transport details for the equipment. 3120 HAN, Handling instructionsA segment to specify handling instructions for specified equipment. 3130 TMP, TemperatureA segment to specify a temperature setting for the equipment. 3140 FTX, Free textA segment to specify processable supplementary information associated with the equipment. 3150 PCD, Percentage detailsA segment to specify percentages related to the equipment such as percentage humidity. 3160 Segment Group 71: TCC-CUX-PRI-EQN-PCD-MOA-QTYA group of segments to specify charges associated with the equipment. 3170 TCC, Transport charge/rate calculationsA segment to specify a charge associated with the equipment. 3180 CUX, CurrenciesA segment to specify currency details related to the freight charge. 3190 PRI, Price detailsA segment to specify price details such as price (e.g. 100 dollar) and unit price basis (e.g. per 1000 kilograms). 3200 EQN, Number of unitsA segment to specify the number of units to which the unit price basis applies. 3210 PCD, Percentage detailsA segment to indicate the applicable reduction or surcharge percentage details. 3220 MOA, Monetary amountA segment to specify a monetary amount, such as prepaid amount, discount or total amount. 3230 QTY, QuantityA segment to indicate a quantity, for example actual weight, declared weight or chargeable weight. 3240 Segment Group 72: NAD-DTMA group of segments to identify different equipment pick-up or drop-off places. 3250 NAD, Name and addressA segment to specify a pick-up or drop-off address. 3260 DTM, Date/time/periodA segment to indicate date and time relating to pick-up or drop-off. 3270 Segment Group 73: EQA-EQNA group of segments to specify the attached equipment and related number of pieces. 3280 EQA, Attached equipmentA segment to identify attached or related equipment such as a chassis attached to a container. 3290 EQN, Number of unitsA segment to specify number of pieces of equipment required. 3300 Segment Group 74: DGS-FTX-SG75A group of segments to specify dangerous goods. 3310 + DGS, Dangerous goodsA segment to indicate the dangerous goods regulations which apply, the class of the dangerous goods, additional dangerous goods codes, the United Nations Dangerous Goods (UNDG) number and the shipment flash point. 3320 + FTX, Free textA segment to specify supplementary details regarding the dangerous goods such as dangerous goods technical name and other additional information. 3330 Segment Group 75: CTA-COMA group of segments to specify contact information. 3340 + CTA, Contact informationA segment to identify a person or department to be contacted regarding dangerous goods. 3350 + COM, Communication contactA segment to specify communication details of the dangerous goods contact. 3360 UNT, Message trailerA service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message (including the UNH & UNT) and the control reference number of the message. 4.2. Segment index (Alphabetical sequence by tag)
4.3. Message structure4.3.1. Segment table
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