TRADACOMS Standards Available Across All Releases

TRADACOMS is a pioneering implementation of EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) used primarily in the UK for retail and publishing data exchange. Its roots extend back to 1982 as an implementation of the UN/GTDI, and eventually led to EDIFACT - the EANCOM subset of which is actively used today.

Although offically TRADACOMS has ceased being developed, it has proven to be surprising resilient, and is in active use today. It was managed by the UK Article Numbering Association's eCentre, and today falls under the purvue of GS1 UK.

Stylus Studio® supports both the 931 edition as well as the publishing industry's BIC extensions. These versions are of course supported equally well by both the Java and the .Net (C#) versions of the DataDirect XML Converters.

This grid shows exactly which transaction sets the TRADACOMS standard supports for each release.

TRADACOMS Standards Legend:
The XML Converter supports this message type for this version.
The XML Converter does not support this message type for this version.
The TRADACOMS standard does not define this message for this version.

ID 931 BIC Message
ACKMNT Acknowledgement of Order
AVLDET Availability Report
BTOERS Book Trade Order
CORDER Complex Order
CRAINF Credit Advice
CREDIT Credit Note
CUSINF Customer Information
DELIVR Delivery Notification
DLCDET Delivery Confirmation
DRAINF Debit Advice
EXCINF Exception Condition
GENRAL General Communications
INVOIC Invoice
LPRDET Location Planning Report
PAYINF Payment Order
PICKER Picking Instructions
PPRDET Product Planning Report
PRIINF Price Information
PROINF Product Information
PVUINF Book Trade Price & Availability Updates
RSGRSG Reconciliation Message
SADDET Stock Adjustment
SNPSTS Stock Snapshot
SRMINF Statement/Remittance Details
UCNDET Uplift Confirmation
UPLIFT Uplift Instructions
UTLBIL Utility Bill
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