The Stylus Studio Advantage

Read what our customers have to say about Stylus Studio® — why it rocks, and why they chose Stylus Studio® over the competition. Got a story of your own to tell? We'd love to hear it!

But for serious XML editing I've started to use Stylus Studio®, and I'm beginning to quite like it. I agree with you that I very rarely use an outline view. In the past I have always given up on XML editors because they were weak in non-XML-related features.Michael Kay, Member of the W3C Working Group on XSLT and XQuery.

Let me just say that if you do EDI or know anyone who does EDI and you (or they) don't have this tool, you are working way, way, way too hard. If you do EDI full time with lots of new integrations, [Stylus Studio®] probably bought you a couple hundred hours a year. Yep! I said it, couple hundred. If you don't do EDI, but you do tons of file conversions, you may want to check this out also. What's really great, of course, is that it's also the best XML editor / ... / etc out there.Greg Higgins, CodeCrafters (As posted on this public developer list.)

Having spent almost two years of a previous life converting large direct mail files from one format to another, [Stylus Studio®] would have saved me most of those two years (and left me jobless).Peter van Dam, Netsetup (As posted on this public developer list.)

Time to say bye to [your old XML editor] and say hello to Stylus Studio®. Any software which makes software development fun should be appreciated, trust me.Amritendu De, Consultant, Hewlett Packard

Attached is an XSLT that converts [the project files of competing XML tools] to Stylus Studio® projects. Just run it on [the competing product's project file] and save as .prj file for Stylus Studio.Doug Domeny, Stylus Studio® User (as seen on SSDN)

Overall, Stylus Studio® 6 XML Professional Edition is a mature product that works quite well, and was capable of handling all the XML-related tasks that I threw at it.Mike Gunderloy, MCSE, MCSD, .NET MCDBA, Contributing Editor ADT Magazine

I'm impressed with the overall integration of Stylus Studio®'s XQuery-aware editing, mapping, debugging, and performance profiling tools — its quite a productive XQuery development environmentJason Hunter, Author, Java Servlets (O'Reilly)

Stylus Studio® is much better suited for XSLT development than [competing XML tools]. I switched to Stylus Studio® the minute I found out that I could not use [competing XML tools] to debug XSLT extensions. It was also frustrating that [the competing tool] forced you to look at the output as HTML.Faizal Haji, Founder and Principal Consultant, Sultan Consulting Canada Inc.

Stylus Studio® might as well be called "Swiss Army Knife Studio" as there is not one thing it does not have the capability to do. From analyzing and viewing your XML, Stylesheets, and now XQuery in any which way you could ever want to, digging down into the heart of a transformation for performance tuning in ways you didn't even realize was possible.M. David Peterson (as seen on

This powerful environment provides extensive functionality for developing XML applications. Stylus Studio® XML Professional Edition's convenient, tabbed interface lets you easily manage multiple documents. Add new buttons by dragging and dropping, and toggle panels just as easily. The preview window opens the document in Internet Explorer. Work with a DOM tree diagram, a grid representation, or raw XML text complete with highlighting and indenting. Numerous wizards assist in creating XML applications and converting among formats. You can map the schema of an XML file to the schema of another XML file, useful if you need the same information in several forms. As the last steps, you can debug your style sheets and design a Web service call without writing any code. Professionals will find the functionality-to-price ratio reasonable. 5 Stars!CNET Editorial Staff

Our company has up until now been using [a competing XML tool]. We took part in the beta program for Stylus Studio® 5.0 and will never go back! It is simply head and shoulders above [competing XML products] and for that matter everything else we have tried. Now with the new version 5.0 they have added: XSLT Profiler - Powerful XSLT code performance analytics, XQuery Editor and Debugger - The only XQuery editor and debugger out there, supports the May 2003 W3C specifications. - Web Service Call Composer - Compose and send a SOAP request without writing any code. There is simply no better XSLT development environment - period!Brad Jones, CTO, Ecessor UK Ltd.

I used to primarily use [a competing XML tool] for my XML editing needs. However as the need for using multiple XML Technologies like XSLT, XPath, XQuery rose, I found myself using Stylus Studio® more due to its excellent support for XSLT Mapping. The XPath Querying is also a very useful feature that I turn to repeatedly while using XML. It is the de facto tool that I use today for any XML needs.Romin Irani, Software Engineer, InSync Software Inc.

Stylus Studio® stays open on my computer almost all the time. There isn't a day that I am not using it. It is an indispensable tool for anyone who works with XML. You have created the best product on the market that will enable many people to be work with XML productively and effectively. Great job!Ira Fuchs, Director of The Center for XML and Web Services Technologies at CCC/CUNY

I find the 'Copy XPath to clipboard under tree view particularly useful because I use a lot of XPath expressions in Java ... I like the feature that you can post process the XSL output through built in Apache FOP support, it saves a lot of time doing everything in one application instead of switching between windows ... I really like the ability to enter an XQuery under tree view to see the nodes returned, because I'm using Java and this way I don't have to always restart the app server to see what I'm going to get back ... I find the debugging tool in Stylus Studio® easier to use than most IDEs I have worked with. Thanks, you really do have a good product here and I appreciate the work you all have put in on it, I have used [another XML tool] and Cooktop before but I still prefer Stylus Studio and encourage anyone I know that needs an XML editor to use it.Chuck Buhecker, Sr. Developer, Comcast

Stylus Studio® 5.0 has rapidly become the indispensable tool for my work. The XSLT intelli-sense alone makes it worth the license fee, it simply blows competing products out of the water. Add to that the WYSIWYG XSLT designer, visual XML data mapping, the scenario creator, XPATH query tool, and auto documentation and you have what represents the only XML IDE worth considering.Dean Murphy, Product Communication Manager, Convergys EMEA Ltd.

I really like Stylus Studio®. I am relieved to find an editor that has the flexibility I need while working with xslt. I tried [a competing XSLT mapping product] and found it to be a straight jacket. The videos on the site were very helpful. Thanks again for making a great product. — Robert Blaske, Web Developer & Designer, Realm Communications

After struggling with the creation of an xml to xml mapping stylesheet using [a competing XML tool used by our development team], I went against the grain and tried Stylus Studio®. I found Studio's XSLT generation tool to be very intuitive - I had 2 stylesheets completed, with Java extensions, in a couple of hours. Stylus Studio® is now my editor of choice - that other application is long gone from my system.Paul Gifford, Principal Software Engineer, Global Science and Technology

Comparing Stylus 5.0 with the competition? With the price tag on Stylus' features, there really isn't any. Choosing Stylus for a production environment is a no-brainer...Manos Batsis, Research & Development, Netsmart

I am a software architect. So I tried to use XML in my applications since its inception in 1998. XML on its own is just a long static string. XSLT technology is what makes XML very powerful and dynamic. So I looked for a tool to empower me to deal with XSLT. After evaluation of tools available on the market ([a competing XML tool] and some others), I ended up with Stylus Studio®. I am using Stylus since version 2. Every company I am with I am pushing to use Stylus. Here is a list of companies where I introduced Stylus: Royal Caribbean Cruises,, IMG Technologies. My favorite features in Stylus: tree view, XSLT debugging, XPath evaluation command line, support for multiple XSLT processors. My favorite features in Stylus 5.0 are no doubt profiling and support for XQuery language.Yitzhak Khabinsky, IT Department, Odimo, Inc.

In the past I have used and recommended [a competing XML tool] for XSLT and XML development. From now on my choice is Stylus 5.0 for its excellent XML to XML mapping capability supporting both XPath and XQuery.Paul Freeman, Principal Consultant, Architek Limited

I have been a happy Stylus Studio® user for several years. I regularly match Stylus against the competition to make sure I am using the best possible tool in my work and Stylus consistently crushes the competition. Its XSLT development capabilities are unmatchable and keep getting better with each release. It is in a class of its own. Dan Hughes, Founder and Principal Consultant, XEngineering

Your website - great! This forum place is one of the reasons why I am switching from [a competing XML product]. Well done.Peter Larbalestier, XML Developer

I just purchased Stylus Studio®, and it is a really good product. It found some errors in one of my XML schemas that my former XML tool failed to detect, so I'm pleased with its thorough technical competence. Most of my time with XML tools is spent writing XSLT to filter XML or to convert from one XML vocabulary to another, and Stylus Studio®'s XSLT editing, mapping, and debugging tools save me lots of time and effort. Stylus Studio® is an excellent tool for any developer working with XML."Doug Domeny, Software Analyst, Ektron Inc.

Thanks for your reply - more than I was expecting! I downloaded the update and it now works fine. Your support is impressive, and so far I am impressed with Stylus Studio®.Roger Shuttleworth, XML Developer

That's something your Team differs in from other products: You stay in touch and ask back. I really appreciate that!Frank-Ralph Reiser, XML Developer

Stylus Studio® is setting the feature set for the competition.Andy Dent, Software Engineer, CSIRO Exploration & Mining

Thanks a lot appreciating your efforts to accelerate the spreading of XML by providing wonderful tools.Chris Vanoverschelde, Mania Technologie AG

Initially, I had reservations about writing the long XML code, but now, after using Stylus Studio®, i love to write the code and have fun. It was very easy and comfortable with a very nice User environment. Hats off.... and please keep up the good work.Ashok. G, Software Engineer, ELGI

I have tried other XML editors and Stylus Studio® was easier to use and organize XML data and XSLT transformations. What really sold me was the debugger capabilities. Not only stepping through the templates but the associated data is displayed right there. Better yet, being able to review where an out put was generated in the templates was as simple as highlighting the output segment. Wonderful. These features make learning and developing XSLT transformations easier and quicker. Thank you for the great product.Ken Pinard, Software Developer, Pinard Software.

We were searching for an XML tool for a specific task with a very tight deadline. We barely had time to install our 30-day trial of your software much less become proficient at using it. Naturally we ran into what we thought was going to be a major roadblock. Thanks to the speedy and accurate responses from your engineering team we've got a happy client and an easy purchase decision regarding our next XML tool. Stylus Studio® will be at the top of our XML toolbox with the Developer Network information taped just inside the cover. Thanks for a powerful product and an expert technical support team that really knows how to use it!J. Byrne Software & Business Process Consultant, Solid Software

"We bumped into Stylus Studio® just when we were looking for an XML editor to open, query and validated huge XML files. Couple of XML editors we already have just hung on opening but Stylus Studio® did the job with very ease, we were delighted to know the Xpath support and XML mapping feature which helped us to deliver the files on time with no error to our customer delight." — Manikandan S.,Software Engineer, XML, .Net and E-Publishing, Sherpa Business Solutions

I've been working with Stylys Studio for over 3 years now ... During the three years, I saw other developers changing to other tools like [competing XML tool] ... and after a while, coming back to Stylus Studio®. Stylus Studio® is user friendly, great for code completion, easy to use for both experienced developers and novices alike, So why change if you're already using the best tool?Boogaerts Bart, XML Developer, Real Software

Using Stylus Studio® has been a very good experience. I've used a lot of XML tools but Stylus Studio® is different, and much better than all of these those other tools. Stylus Studio® provides very powerful support for XML and Java development which is very helpful for a developer like me!A. Pujari, Tata Technologies Ltd.

I have tried many XML editors including Stylus Studio®. It is very easy to use and organize XML data and XSLT transformations. Every XML editor has got some limitations, but i couldn't find any limitation in this one. Its really an excellent product.Joel Jos, XML Developer

I use Stylus Studio® Pro 2 to transform XML to SVG for intranet software of "le palais des congrés de Paris". I tried several XML editors but SSP is the best. This product is very intuitive and easier than [competing XML tools]. It's very nice to be able detach windows. congratulations.JB Cavarec, Software engineer, OPENLAB

I was using 3 different programs before trying Stylus Studio®.It simplifies everything..I am so grateful to have come across Stylus Studio®.It has made my job so much more enjoyable and easier as well.Thanks for the great work.I look forward to future programs! - Amy Lyons, Software Developer

I am just getting started on the use of Stylus and am still working on the ins and outs of getting it all laid out.I am very pleased to have found that it is so far, fairly easy to use. Much thanks for the work and effort done.Lynn Edington, Software Developer

Stylus Studio® helped me so much in simplifying my working with XML Data. I rarely have to use any other tool. Thanks so much and keep up the great work.Deb Wildeboer, Software Engineer

I like to use Stylus Studio in web development. I generally use PHP programming language in Web development with XML. Stylus Studio is perfect for my XML editing needs.Henri Aruküla, Software Engineer

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