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XQuery Use Cases
XQuery Blasts Off at NASAHow DynCorp (CSC) used XQuery at NASA's Johnson Space Center to Simplify XML Data Access and Integration
XQuery Ready for Lift-off!It's rare in this business that you come across a software technology that is more powerful, easier to use, faster, actually lets us increase application requirements, and not to mention, is free to use– but in truth, that was our experience with XQuery
and we were thrilled with the results.
The ChallengeOur project team was asked to develop statistical analysis software for various types of aircraft data on behalf of our managers and to our end customer, NASA. In the past year our managers have been requesting enhanced techniques in data querying and extraction. Because the aircraft data is structured in an XML format, we needed a technology that could handle the querying use-case capabilities that our managers were expecting – this is where the use of XQuery really shines. After many months of research, our development staff decided to utilize XQuery as our technique of choice to query XML data stored in an XML database. We now use XQuery for extracting data from structured XML documents stored in an XML database and this process has dramatically improved the querying capabilities of our existing applications. Why XQuery?There were many factors which made us come to the conclusion that we did – overall we were impressed by XQuery power, ease of use, performance and value.
It's rare in this business that you come across a software technology that is more powerful,
easier to use, faster, actually lets us increase application requirements, and not to mention, is free to use–
but in truth, that was our experience with XQuery On The Importance of an XQuery APIHaving a Java API for XQuery is important because it affords us with more possibilities in terms of
application extensibility, customization, as well as a more seamless integration with existing applications.
XQuery (contrary to how it's name suggests) On XQuery in the Middle Tier and as a Web Service Enabling TechnologyWe're excited about XQuery from a middleware perspective, too. We have written java middleware code
that invokes XQuery expressions against the eXist XML database and aggregates structured XML documents
without having to write redundant Java methods. Additionally, we view XQuery as being an
important "Web Service" technology On XQuery ToolsUsing Stylus Studio, our development time has been even more reduced XQuery: Not Only for Rocket ScientistsXQuery has really opened the door to how an application can be designed, developed and deployed. In the past, we were dreading having to write our own specific methods to query all the stored XML documents. But with the implementation of the XQuery API technology, our main focus has been on the specific business rules that are required by our organization. To me, the bottom line for choosing XQuery was satisfaction – to make our managers happy and also our customer, NASA. About CSC
With approximately 79,000 employees, CSC provides innovative solutions for customers around the world by applying leading technologies and CSC's own advanced capabilities. These include systems design and integration; IT and business process outsourcing; applications software development; Web and application hosting; and management consulting. Headquartered in El Segundo, Calif., CSC reported revenue of $13.9 billion from continuing operations for the 12 months ended Dec. 31, 2004. For more information, visit the company's Web site at www.csc.com. About NASAThe National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was founded in 1958 with the mission to (a) Advance and communicate scientific knowledge and understanding of the Earth, the solar system, and the universe and use the environment of space for research (b) explore, use, and enable the development of space for human enterprise. (c) research, develop, verify, and transfer advanced aeronautics, space, and related technologies. |
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