Home > Company > XML Press Releases > Stylus Studio X15 Release 2 Is Now Available
IVI Technologies Announces Stylus Studio X15 Release 2 Is Now AvailableMiami, FL - 7-May-2014 – IVI Technologies, the master distributor of Progress® DataDirect® Stylus Studio®, the award-winning XML Integrated Development Environment (IDE) from Progress Software, today announced the immediate availability of the Stylus Studio X15 Release 2 XML Enterprise Suite. This latest update includes Saxon, DataDirect XQuery, Apache FOP 1.1 integration, major performance enhancements through support for Oracle Java 1.8, and more. The Stylus Studio product is marketed and sold through IVI Technologies. IT professionals can download a free trial of the Stylus Studio X15 Release 2 XML Enterprise Edition Suite today at: http://www.stylusstudio.com/download. "With Stylus Studio X15 Release 2, we continue our dedication to support and promote the latest in XML technologies,” said Ivan Pedruzzi, Product Manager. “Supporting the latest XSLT, XPath and XML Schema specifications, implementation of the latest in DataDirect XQuery, and adding support for Oracle Java 1.8 make Stylus Studio X15 Release 2 our most powerful and productive XML IDE to date.” Features and enhancements available in X15 Release 2 include:
Pricing and AvailabilityStylus Studio X15 Release 2 is now available for free trial download, and for purchase at the Stylus Studio online shop. Stylus Studio X15 Release 2 Enterprise Suite and Stylus Studio X15 Release 2 XML Professional Suite are aggressively priced. Volume discounts and competitive upgrades are also available – please visit the online shop for a complete price list. For more information about enterprise licensing, or for any questions about purchasing Stylus Studio products, contact us, or send an email to styusstudio@ivitechnologies.com. About IVI TechnologiesIVI Technologies is a global software reseller and a technology company representing world-class software in the integration market space. The company is the primary go-to-market vehicle for the Progress® DataDirect® Stylus Studio® offering, the industry leading XML IDE. Contact IVI Technologies via email at: stylusstudio@ivitechnologies.com or directly at: (305) 748-4155. ###DataDirect, Progress and Stylus Studio are trademarks or registered trademarks of Progress Software Corporation and/or its subsidiaries or affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. Java and all Java-based marks are trademarks or service marks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. Any other trademarks contained herein are the property of their respective owners. Other Stylus Studio Press Releases:
PURCHASE STYLUS STUDIO ONLINE TODAY!!Purchasing Stylus Studio from our online shop is Easy, Secure and Value Priced! Attend a Live Webinar This Week!Learn about Stylus Studio's unique features and benefits in just under an hour. Register for the Stylus Studio QuickStart Training WebCast! Ask Someone You KnowDoes your company use Stylus Studio? Do your competitors? Engineers from over 100,000 leading companies use Stylus Studio, and now you can ask someone from your own organization about their experiences using Stylus Studio. |